Kitty Sized Earplugs

Happy Sunday everyone! I really wish I could visit all my kitty friends more often, but mom only lets me write one day a week- phooey. Speaking of mom, I have a little problem with her. She loves Christmas music and singing to it. Mom doesn’t sing well, I heard that when she was in college in the choir, she was asked to just mouth the words. MOL-really. Does anyone know where I can get some kitty sized ear plugs? It is going to be a long Christmas season. I guess dad is deaf because it doesn’t seem to bother him.

Good thing mom can crochet a little better than she can sing. She has been making some items for the T.J.O’Connor Animal Shelter to donate for them to sell at their Pawzaar in December. She said I can take a couple items to giveaway so I figured I would give one away this week and one next week. The winner can choose a gift for their mom or dad and I will even wrap it for you. We have coffee cup cozies, card holders ( with little kitty buttons), hats, pot holders for frying pans and eyeglass holders. She can even whip up a crocheted tie for your dad. All you need to do is comment today through Tuesday and we will announce a winner on Wednesday.

003I am wearing the dad’s tie and the cup cozies are Dunkin Donuts pink.

005This is the holder for a gift card or credit cards-see the little kitty button on it.

Have a great week everyone! And I am sending as Meow out to my Grammie that I love so much. Mom helped me order your Christmas gift from us kitties- it is going to be Purrfect.

We are hopping so I hope my photo above counts as a selfie:



  1. My human couldn’t sing either – she was in a choir, and nobody would sit next to her because they said she threw them off key! Years later she took singing lessons and found out she was just singing wrong, and she got better. But she’s still too embarrassed to sing in front of anyone.

    1. That was smart of her to take lessons. I won’t sing in front of anyone except my hubby and the cats.

  2. Your selfie is purrfect!
    Our Mommy sings terribly too, but we just tune her out. If you find those earplugs, we would be interested in buying four sets. MOL!

    Happy Sunday!

  3. My momma luvs singing too. And when she wuz in choir in 6th grade, da teacher told her to stop tryin to sing like a boy (she had a lower voice). Nice thing to tell an 11 year old in a new school, MOL!

  4. Your Mommy is so talented making all those way cool crochet projects!!!! If she makes hats, we’d love to have one!!! It’s important to keep your brain nice and warm in the cold weather – it works better that way…HAHAHA

    Hugs, Sammy

    1. Our house isn’t that big, I can hear her everywhere- maybe I will get aunder the covers on the bed like I do when the vacuum is out.

  5. Your mom makes lots of lovely crocheted things. My mum is a lousy singer too and won’t sing out loud. She sings in her mind and says she has a lovely voice there. Best place to keep it mum!

    1. Thanks for the compliments on mom’s crocheting Flynn. You are so lucky your mom sings silently.

  6. What a lovely selfie, sweetie! πŸ™‚ And those items your mommy made are really beautiful. She is very talented and creative. Have a wonderful Sunday! πŸ˜€ xx Roxy & Tigerlino <3

    1. Thank you πŸ™‚ And thanks for the compliments to my mom, you wouldn’t be complimenting if you heard her sing- MOL.

  7. We could use some earplugs ourselves. Mommy screeches Christmas songs all day long sometimes when the Dad isn’t around. Her singing does bother him.

    What a nice idea for a giveaway. Y’all are super nice kitties to think of this.

  8. How nice of your mom to do a giveaway. My mom is like Flynn’s – she knows how bad she is so she won’t sing out loud. Thank Catness! Have a happy Sunday.

  9. My mommy sounds croaky like the froggies outside! BUT when she whispers to me or speaks very softly how much she loves me..oh, her voice is sweet.

  10. Meowmy can sing a bit…but what was worse was when she decided to try and revive her violin playing non-expertise…
    One of our unfurs was learning the pipe organ, we have a smaller electronic version in our den, and Pipo likes to walk on the pedal board to make real kitty-paws-songs! In bass mode of course, MOL!

    Your selfie is great, showing off some of those items.

    1. What a mean teacher to do that to your mom when she was young, at least my mom was older when it happened.

  11. That is very nice of your mom to help out the shelter like that. Maybe you should sing with her. You might have fun and you won’t hear her over your own singing.

  12. Your mom can sing? Jan LOVES to sing. Trouble is she can’t carry a tune. We could use 9 pair of those earplugs when she gets going. πŸ™‚

    Those knitted gifts are neat.

  13. She was asked to just mouth the words? MO– USES! Boy-oh-boy… I only WISH someone would ask my first peep to do that. A kitty can dream, right? Surely, a kitty can dream.


  14. We’re not very Christmassy around here, but mom does like to sing along with christmas music. Maybe you can meow along to help your mom stay on key.

  15. Your mom made us laugh out loud when she said the choir master asked her to mouth the words! Our Mama sings off key too but she says it is fun to sing and sing she will! Poor us :p Poor you! :p

    the critters in the cottage xo

  16. We are lucky cos our mom doesn’t sing! Our mom can’t sing worth a darn, so it’s a good thing she doesn’t try! Your mommy is very talented! We love her crocheted items!!!!

    1. THank you for the compliments on mom’s crocheting- you wwouldn’t compliment her singing.

  17. MOL, my secretary doesn’t usually sing (allthough she can sing quite well), but she has already listened so much Christmas carols, that the rest of the family is already fed up with it!! Can you believe it, the December has only begun! Well, she doesn’t mind, she keeps playing them anyway!

  18. Oh our Mommie sings…….horribly……if you find those earplugs let us know! Your Mommie is so very creative! We don’t need to be entered, we have already won something wonderful from you all πŸ™‚ We just wanted to stop by and comment!
    Marty and the Gang

  19. You know the song – Dance like no-one is watching, Sing like no-one can hear?” We live by that one! We sing and SING and love the Christmas songs, altho’ mum gets a bit teary and stops from time to time!

    Harvey, Miranda and Silver

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