
Hi everyone! Before we get started, I want to give condolences to our friends at Feline O’Pines who had to say goodbye to their sweet boy, Tucker.

To visit them, click here.

We are joining Comedy Plus’ Awww….Mondays  and we are also joining Cactus Catz Sabi Saturday which is now back.  It is a great place to show something you rescued, repurposed or an an older item handed down to you.

Trouble is posing with a stuffed cupid Smurf toy I had as a child. I use it as a Valentine’s Day decoration now.

Penny will be here with a new tip for you tomorrow.


  1. Ellen,

    Sending prayers to Tucker’s humans. I know he’s missed by all who loved him.

    Trouble is looking for trouble to get into. What do you think? 🙂

    BTW, you mentioned the other day that Alec Baldwin sat down beside you. What movie were you an extra in and how would we spot ya in it?

    1. Actually, it was the tv show 30 Rock, not a film. I will email you a link to the episode. Thanks for your interest. XO

  2. What a shame about Tucker. I put his graphic in my Angels. so sad.

    I think Trouble is my favorite kitties of all your kitties. It’s the name and I love black kitties.

    Thank you for joining the Awww Mondays Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Awww Monday and week, Ellen. Big hug to you and lots of scritches to all the kitties. ♥

  3. Sweet photos. I am so sorry about Tucker. On a fun note, I too use gifted St. Valentine’s Day stuffed animals for decoration. ~grin~ Great minds think alike.

  4. Trouble is darling next to his Smurf cupid – I’m amazed at how long you’ve had the Smurf, and the kitties haven’t destroyed it – that’s nice. My kitties need to learn better manners I think.

  5. Awww, Trouble looks like he is not so sure about the smurf. I think it’s very cute and it’s in great condition considering that you’ve had it since you were a child. None of my stuffed toys I had survived to my adulthood although i do have a barbie still.

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