Hi everyone. Before our regular post, we want to ask for prayers for our dear friend, the beautiful Katie Isabella who is not feeling well. To visit, click here.Β
Today we are having a Potato Pawty. We are being featured over on our friend June’s blog. Click here.
The boys wanted in the fun too.

We’re sad about Katie too and have sent purrs. We so hope she will feel better soon! Oh what a fun Potato Head party for all, I say, Party Hearty and I will go visit at Ann’s as soon as I can! Enjoy, kitties! XO
I hope so too. Thank you.:) XO
Silly potato-head kitties!
They are silly. π
We are purring for Katie, too.
I am old enough to remember when Mr Potato was just parts you stuck into a real potato. And then we took the parts out so Mom could cook Mr Potato.
Speaking of old, do you remember the Cootie game?
Thank you.:) I am not quite that old. I always had plastic potatoes, but I do remember the cootie game. XO
Sending purrs for Katie! π
It looks like the boys are feigning disinterest with the Mr Potato Head parts πΉ
(And in response to the previous comment, I *do* remember the Cooties game)
Thank you.:)
We’re also worried about sweet Katie….we’re sending POTP for sure. We also think you are the perfect bunch to have a Potato Head Pawty for your “feature” day at Zoolatry!
Hugs, Pam and Teddy
Thank you.:) XO
That was an amazing Pawty, Ellen, we can’t stop smilingπΈπΈ Double Pawkisses for a Happy Day to all of youπΎπ½π
Thank you.:) Double pawkisses to you too. XO
I know I was very sorry to read that Katie Isabella may not be very well. But on your blog I just love the artwork that Ann did for you.
Thank you.:) I love it too. XO
The Potato Head party looks fun! I hope Katie is soon feeling better.
I hope so too. XO
The boys now can say I have eyes in the back of me when they watch the smaller two legged visitors that frequent your home. π
Good point. They actually like the girls. XO
Katie and I are so grateful for this mention on your special day, Mr Potato Heads. Thank you. XXXXX I will head right over there to see you each one at Miss Ann and Junie’s place in just a minute.
She is in my prayers. XO
Sending prayers for sweet Katie. The Potato Head Pawty looks like a lot of fun.
Thank you.:) XO
Hope Katie gets well soon π
LOL they both LQQK like their enjoying themselves ha π
Have a potatotastic week π
I hope so too. Thank you.:)
Those boys made cute Potato Heads!
Thank you.:)
We’re purring and praying for Katie. We saw the post at Zoolatry. That was a fabulous paw-ty!
Thank you.:) XO
I too have sweet Tuxie Katie Isabella in my purrs
Miss Ann did a super duper post on the Potato Heads at your house.
Loved the captions and the added attire
Hugs cecilia
Thank you.:) Yes, she did. XO
Mega purrs for Katie. You boys are so funny. Hey, that looks like quite the party!
Thank you.:)
Ann has done some really cute graphics for her month of sharing her blogging friends. Your Potato Head one is no exception. How do you tell Rusty and Rudy apart? XOCK, angels Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta & Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy, Sawyer, Kizmet, Audrey & Raleigh
Yes, she has. She is so talented. Rudy has a freckle on his nose and Rusty has a white chin plus he is a lot taller. XO
guyz π₯π₯βΌοΈ eye saw ewe over at zoolatryβ¦how total lee kewl R de graffix mizzuz ann and juney chowder made for ewe πΊπΊπΊ N joy yur day in de spot lite and
hope ewe make sum new friendz πππ
Thank you.:) Yes, we love the graphics. She is so talented. XO
Aww, so very cute!
Thank you.:)
Purrs for Katie Isabella.
Great pics of the boys. Happy Potato Head Pawty!
Thank you.:) XO
Chaplin: “We’re sorry to hear Katie Isabella isn’t feeling well. We send lots of purrs her way!”
Charlee: “Eyes in your back mean you can watch the birds coming AND going. Brilliant, Rudy and Rusty!”
Thank you.:) Good point. XO
Dearest Ellen,
All the kitties ought to get mentioned… They deserve it.
Sweet for mentioning Katie Isabella who we both have met a few times in purrson.
She loved my Pieter…
Big hugs,
Mariette + Kitties
Thank you.:) XO
I saw you were featured over at Ann and June’s blog this morning. You know how much I love all of you.
I say it’s a tie.
Thank you for joining the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop.
Have a fabulous Wordless Wednesday, Ellen. Scritches to the kitties and a hug to you. β₯
Awwww…thank you. We all love you too. XO
Hmmm. I wonder if Mister Kitty wandered off with my Mr. Potato head’s ear. I love the photos here. Have a happy week.
He may have. Thank you.:) Hope you have a happy week too. XO
Lots of fun at the Potato Head party I see ! enjoy! Hope the week has been good to you.
Thank you.:) XO
Katie and her Mom have all my prayers. Rudy and Rusty seem pretty into the Potato Head things!
Very cute and colorful post at Zoolatry featuring the Meowing Crew!
Thank you.:) I love Ann’s graphics. XO
Oh nose!!! Wee just beecame frendss with THE lovelee Katie Isabella…(kewl name rite?) Wee are happy youss’ beein feetured on Miaa Ann an June’ss Bloggie….wee gonna go rite over an check their post out!
Rudy an Rusty yore both lookin mitey cute!
~~~head rubss~~~BellaDharma~~~ an **blowss kissess** BellaSita Mum
Thank you.:) Katie is a sweetie. I hope she is OK. XO
Kozmo has leaped into his tunnel and headed to Katie’s to hold her paw and feed her delectables…
Thank you for your condolences, it means so much to me. Cinnamon is missed terribly. Cinnamon arrived when Kozmo was about 6 months old and I did not know that cats and dogs could be bonded pairs until then. Those 2 were inseparable. Kozmo was always within sight of Cinnamon. He even followed us on our walks and for the last few months, when we knew she was really ill, he was sleeping with her (again). He is still sad.
Love Barb (and Kozmo, Marv, Jo Jo, and Nutmeg)
Poor Kozmo. Sending you all love and hugs.
The boys now have an extra set of eyes – the better to see you with). And to hope you have some tasty catnip for them.
We too are hoping Katie Isabella will be doing better soon.
Woos – Misty and Timber
Yes, they are always watching me. π
Lots of prayers for Katie.
The boys are a riot!
Thank you.:)
Cute photos. Congratulations on being featured!
Thank you.:)
Your potatoes are part of the family!
Yes, they are. π
We sent our best healing vibes to Katie Isabella. We hope she feels better soon.
A Potato Head Paw-ty?! What fun. Our friend Ann really did a great job on this August friends posts. So adorable. She’s simply pawsome!
Thank you. π Yes, she did. XO
We are purring and praying for Katie and Mom Carole. We love them so much, and really want Katie to get better. We loved the images Ann created of your cats and the Potato Head Family. And how nice that Rusty and Rudy got to have some fun, too. XO
I love them too and hope Katie is OK. XO
Our pawyers are fervent for Katie, too.
Those potato heads!! OMC!
I saw a huge potato head kit (Size wise it was about the size of a table lampoon a big plastic case)…when I was at the rummage sale at our county fair today…Of course I immediately thought. of you!
Rudy and Rusty are being hams!
Thank you. π That big potato head sounds cool. XO
WOW, a potato head party….who knew??? Maybe we’ll have to look into one of these one day…Our neighbor gave mama a lot of potatoes, haha.
Thank you. π Everyone needs a potato head. XO