1. Thank you. πŸ™‚ We will keep matches away from him- he would probably chew them. XO

  1. Ahahaha, funny guys. I think Rusty wins this one. He looks like he’s really smoking, while Rudy looks like he’s trying to drink something out of a straw. XO

    1. Thank you. πŸ™‚ Yes, he does look like he is trying to drink out of a straw. XO

    1. Thank you. πŸ™‚ Same here, but I was exposed to alot of second hand smoke from my dad and sister.

  2. Rusty, you like a cool dude with the Qtip but don’t get carried away because smoking is not good for you.

  3. Rusty, you are the winner as you really do have the look of someone smoking!

  4. Rusty wins this one. Adorable. We don’t like smoking either and it does stink to high heaven.

    Thank you for joining the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Wordless Wednesday. Scritches to the kitties and a hug to mom. XO β™₯

  5. Charlee: “Hmm, well, Rusty seems to be smoking his Q-Tip whereas Rudy seems to be eating his. We think eating it is probably badder than smoking it, so we have to give this one to Rudy.”

  6. Rusty you reminded me of my Dad. He always had a toothpick in his mouth (not qtip) but still a found memory
    Rudy you looke like you were flossing
    Both winners
    Hugs Cecilia

  7. Oh, I would imagine the Q-tips are very appealing to play with.
    Big Merp loves to find things like that to grab or knock over.

  8. Oh Rusty…you little scamp! Then again Rudy isn’t far off chomping on that Q-Tip. Guess the good news is neither went after ‘used’ tissues like ‘someone’ does around the Ranch. 😁

  9. Rusty is more brazen as a bad boy, Rudy looks like he’s trying to hide it a little.

  10. Rusty is the bad boy!… today πŸ™‚ As always though, they are both adorable.

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