1. He is all adjusted on, but does hide from company. He is used to Grammie though now and rubs against her for treats.

  1. Ours hover waiting for treats too. We don’t share much with them, they have their own treats. Great pic of Brody!

  2. Good for you Brody. Looks like you are fitting right in and I hope you got some of that snack. Have a great day.

  3. My guest cat is so comfortable he’s licking his chops every time I eat something, but it’s got to be just the right size and temperature, lol.

  4. They are ever hopeful, aren’t they. Zoe just fusses and pesters until we either ignore her or give her some.
    Yael from Playing In Catnip

    1. Yes, they are. We usually give in unless it is something with onions or garlic which are bad for them.

  5. Brody is hovering waiting to hoover any tidbits that come his way:)

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