The Gift of Anxiety

  • Disclaimer: I received a free digital copy of The Gift if Anxiety from Net Galley in exchange for a fair review. 

I just finished reading The Gift of Anxiety by Diante Fuchs. I chose this title to review because I suffer from Generalized Anxiety, and I am always eager to learn more ways to cope. I found this very helpful and wish it had been available years ago when I started having panic attacks.

The author is a clinical psychologist but has also dealt with her own anxiety and that of her husband’s. I think we all have anxiety on some level depending on the situation, but we need to make sure it doesn’t stop us from living our lives.

I found many of the tips and exercises in this book to be very helpful. I also like the author’s way of viewing anxiety as a gift instead of a curse. Most people, myself included want to find aa way to push it away instead of looking into the root causes of it. It is our body’s way of telling us something is not right, so we need to acknowledge it. Plus, when you try not to think of something, it makes you want to think of it more.  I highly recommend this for anyone who has ever had to deal with anxiety, especially to the point it makes you avoid things.


Before we go, we are joining Comedy Plus’ Awww….Mondays .

Dusty decided she should have a turn on the futon too.

That futon has caused me more problems. The Great One and Typhoid Mary fought over it this past summer and now Dusty tried to bully The Great one off of it even though there is a full-sized bed for her to sleep on.

Rosie will fill you in on all the weekend happenings tomorrow.



  1. Oh, that is almost too funny that Dusty wants the futon all to herself. She didn’t want to share?? Oh, wow, she is a diva already!

    That sounds like a good read, esp if you are having a lot of anxiety issues. Sometimes I get upset about this or that, and I cannot get the thoughts out of my head…making me loose sleep. However not to the point that I would avoid doing things. Mostly my troubles come from thins at work, and sometimes in my family life.
    For me sometimes just having a long prayer session about whatever is bothering me will help. Kind of like David in the Psalms.

  2. Oh, could we send that book out to everyone on the planet right now? Anxiety as a gift is a marvelous way to sort it all out, smart author! And very often, the things we are most anxious about never happen…
    Mama has a virtual garbage can into which she throws thoughts that are bad for her or others, shouting “Poubelle!” and the bad thoughts get thrown out to be replaced by positive ones. She was inspired by Pahla B, who has video exercise classes, all standing, no jumping, no floor stuff, and who is a woman who worked with anxiety all her life until a certain point when she began changing it. A wonderfully UP personality…your mama might want to see her video once or twice…Pahla B, now pretty famous for her videos, talks the whole time but she’s FUN. Merci for the book title.

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