Hi everyone. We are joining Brian’s Thankful Thursday Blog Hop. I am thankful that Christmas was a peaceful day with my mom and hubby. Also thankful I got to see my niece and her family on Christmas Eve Day and at our party on Sunday. And thankful for a hubby that dresses as Santa for the kitties ( shh! Don’t tell then it is him).

Bridget, Ethel and Trouble went into hiding when they spotted Santa.
We are also joining Angel Sammy’s Poetry Day. And here is the photo prompt provided:
Griswold wins the light contest every year
so this year I hired a lighting engineer.
I don’t care if the electric bill is sky high
Santa will see us from high in the sky.
Here are the Friendly Fill-Ins for tomorrow. I came up with the first two and my wonderful co-host, Lorianne of Four-Legged Furballs came up with second two.
1. ______________________ was the highlight of my Christmas ( or Hanukkah).
2. I ate too much __________________ on Christmas ( or Hanukkah).
3. Even though Christmas Day has passed, I _________.
4. I’d still like to _________ before this year is over.
Such a cute series of kitties with Santa! Looks like a good time was had by all! XO
Thank you. XO
Awww, how precious to say all the kitties with Santa…well, most of them!!
I like your poem. We have some places like that picture here too. Yup, gotta keep up with the Jones as the saying goes. Not me…no outside lights except the porch light so we can find our door! LOL!
Thank you. We only had 3 candy canes that lit up this year. XO
It look like Santa had his hands full with all those kitties. Precious says she doesn’t blame Brody for not letting Santa hold him. That’s because she’s a scaredy-cat cat and doesn’t even want me to hold her.
Brody is glad Precious understands. XO
Such cute photos of the kitties and Santa, and I like your poem. Our Callie is getting better at letting us hold her. We sit together on our living room chair now which has become part of her new routine.
Thank you. Glad Callie is finally letting you hold her. XO
I LOVE seeing Santa Daddy with the cats! What a fun way for me to start my day!
1. Having Brovver here was the highlight of my Christmas. He gave me a silver bell!
2. I ate too much of EVERYTHING on Christmas inc. chocolate cake!
3. Even though Christmas Day has passed, I still enjoy them memories of how we all passed it.
4. Mom said she doesn’t have a thought for this one.
Thank you. And thank you for these great answers. That cake looked so good. XO
How fun that the kitties got to spend time with Santa Paws!
They are lucky. XO
We always love your photos with Santa!
Thank you. XO
Hubby makes a great Santa for the kitties. The poem is fun too.
Thank you. XO
Looks like Santa gave you all lovely Christmas attention to go with the treats. Nice selfies.
Yes, he did. Thank you. XO
Lulu: “That sounds like a very nice Christmas at your place! We usually go next door for Christmas, but this year the flu had recently gone through there so Mama decided it would be prudent to push our get-together to New Year’s Eve.”
Java Bean: “We dogs went for a walk along the river trail instead, which was all right in our book!”
Chaplin: “How cool is that, that Santa comes to your house for your kitties?”
Oona: “Oona thinks it is funny that Bridget, Ethel, and Trouble run and hide. She bets Charlee would hide, too.”
Charlee: “Are you kidding? Look at that fuzzy suit. I would make muffins on that suit all day long.”
Good idea to stay home. Charlee, Santa would have loved that. XO
Ellen what a fun post…..I smiled and might have giggled a bit too
Great poem
Hugs Cecilia
Thank you. XO
Santa gave it a try at least.
Good poem!
Thank you. 🙂
Oh how sweet kitties, a real Santa in the house🎅 We have to admit that we would hide too when he came here, no matter if it was family or not…MOL…Glad you had a quiet evening with your family. Double Pawkisses for a Happy 2nd Christmas Day to all of you🐾😽💞 Ps great poem too 🙂
Thank you. Happy 2nd day of Christmas to you too. XO
How nice of you all, well, most of you, to spend some time visiting with Santa! Thanks for joining Angel Brian’s Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!
Thank you. 🙂
What a great Santa and precious photos of the kitties with him ~ hugs,
Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
clm ~ A ShutterBug Explores,
aka (A Creative Harbor)
Thank you. XO
Those are some good thankfuls, Ellen. We were thankful for Peace and Quiet too.
Tuffy got a lot closer than I ever imagined he would! I think all and all the Meowing Crew and Santa had a good visit! It’s so fun to see them… they were good pictures too, Ellen!
Thank you. XO
Great pics! They are all so cute!
Thank you. XO
I’m so glad you’ve been able to see family over the holiday.
What fun photos! Thank your husband for being such a good sport even with cats that are not thrilled about the costume.
Thank you. Me too. XO
The photos are so cute!
Thank you. XO
Aww! That’s so sweet that all the kitties get to meet Santa
It is. 🙂 XO
Your husband does such a wonderful job playing Santa for the kitties!
Thank you. I agree. 🙂
Oh, Santa looks very content with all the kitties and we are sure they loved their time on his lap.
Merry Christmas Woos – Misty and Timber
Santa Pawss iss so kewl…Maybee next yeer Ethel an Bridget an Trouble will snuggle with Santa….wee can hope
**purrss** BellaDharma an ((hugss)) BellaSita Mum
Thank you. 🙂 I wish. XO
You and your husband are awesome. Hugs, my dear.
Thank you. 🙂 XO