Thankful Thursday


We are joining Brian’s Thankful Thursday Blog Hop.

I am thankful that my first sleep over with the girls went well. They even wanted to stay another night. They are going camping with grandparents tomorrow though so they couldn’t. We made blueberry jam, vanilla ice cream, did some squeegie paintings (Typhoid Mary kept calling them fiji paintings. 🙂 ). I will show those on Saturday. And we caught fireflies which is something I had never done before.

Rosie is thankful that they went home.

I was too busy with the kids to think of a poem.

Here are the Friendly Fill-Ins for tomorrow. I came up with the first two and my wonderful co-host, Lorianne of Four-Legged Furballs came up with second two.

1. My favorite beverage to drink when it is hot out is _____________________.
2. My favorite summer activity is ____________________.
3. I’m grateful that I have the freedom to _________.
4. If I don’t _________, I’ll forget _________.
Happy 4th of July to everyone in the US! And remember, eat cauliflower instead of potatoes at your bbq’s.


  1. Sounds like you and the kids had a grand time! I remember catching fireflies … Awww, Rosie looks so cute! Happy 4th of July to all! XO

  2. Rosie wears her patriotic hat very well!
    Glad the sleepover went well.
    Those potato heads sure look festive and patriotic!!
    No BBQ here…I have to be t my work…but I have a red white and blue tutu, and a tie die shirt in R.W B…and some bracelets too.We can be dressed up and out of our regular uniforms on holidays if we have to work. It makes our residents happy to see us that way, and it makes a lot of them laugh, that makes the work go better, too!

  3. LOVE LOVE FIJI PAINTNGS! Those kids are so creative…thanks to their guru/mentor who is contributing so much to their thinking outside the box!

  4. Rosie, you look good in your patriotic glitter hat. If the fireworks aren’t too loud maybe you’ll get a little rest now that the girls went off on a trip. We love how patriotic The Potato Head family is. Happy 4th of July to everybody in your house.

  5. Rosie, you and the Potato Head family look very patriotic. I’m glad Mom had fun with the girls. Happy Fourth of July.

  6. I’m thinking cauliflower instead of potatoes in support of the Potato Heads!
    Tickled to hear the sleepover was a success.
    Happy Independence Day to the Meowing Crew and their Peeps!

    1. Don’t tell the Potato Heads, but my mom made some potato salad. I look forward to the next one, but I am glad I have a couple weeks off. XO

  7. Ellen you are making lifetime memories with your TGO and TM….so precious.
    Your sister is surely wearing and Angelic Grandma Smile today
    Hugs Cecilia
    PS I like the fill ins automatically had answers

    1. Thank you. I keep mentioning their Grammie Ness to keep her memory alive. I look forward to your fill-ins. XO

  8. Happy 4th to all of you too. We will have a quiet day and night inside. We have both already had a big walk with Mom. Fun times with the girls.

    Woos – Misty and Timber

  9. Rosie you look so cute inn yore Pawtree-otick hat!!
    Aunty Ellen soundss like you an THE Girlss had a pawtastick time!
    Happy 4th of July to efurryone there…..
    ~~~head rubss~~~BellaDharma~~~ an (((huggiess))) BellaSita Mum

  10. I hope my comment showed up from yesterday! Love that the girls had a sleepover! I wish I had some girl grandchildren who love girl stuffs! But I am grateful for my grandson…who sure isn’t interested in girl stuffs…I enjoy the boy stuffs though. Used to that since I had three of ’em myself.

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