Thankful Thursday



Hi everyone. We are joining Brian’s Thankful Thursday Blog Hop.

I am thankful that The Great One received her First Communion last Saturday. It brought tears to my eyes to have 4 generations of family in church. And she is planning to donate some of the money she was gifted to an animal shelter.

I am thankful for the three colors of lilacs we have. And the kitties just got me a new pink one for Mother’s Day. It has some buds so I hope I will get at least one bunch this year.

We are also joining Angel Sammy’s Poetry Day.  And here is the photo prompt provided:

I always thought they were doing something wrong,
but they fed me so I went along.
Now I am hoping the cops don’t frisk me
It might make me have to do a pee pee.
Here are the Friendly Fill-Ins for tomorrow. I came up with the first two and my co-host, Lorianne of Four-Legged Furballs came up with second two.
1. Back in the day, _________________________.
2. ________________________ is an unconventional pet I would like to have.
3. Though _________ is my dream job, I’d also settle for working as _________.

4. I’d like to get _________’s autograph.


  1. How wonderful for your niece to contribute to an animal shelter! Those lilacs are just gorgeous! Ahahaha, funny poem! XO

  2. Dearest Ellen,
    We are celebrating First Communion this Sunday and it sure is meaningful if you can look back over four generations! What a nobel idea for donating some of her gifted money to an animal shelter!
    Lilacs are my favorite flower, still remember the vases full and their fragrance.
    However, here in the South they don’t grow—too hot.
    Mariette + Kitties

  3. Four generations is amazing!
    One of my coworkers is expecting her great grandchild…for that family it will be 5 generations…we told her to make sure she gets a picture with them all together.

    I giggled a lot at your poem…Dalton for sure would be doing a peepee, LOL

  4. That is a wonderful thing to see so much of the family at church and the same church over the generations. Probably doesn’t happen a lot anymore. Love your lilacs, mine is a very dark purple and bloomed pretty good this year but it’s already finished I’m sad to say

    1. Thank you. 🙂 Well, same religion, different church because they joined in their new town when they moved. XO

  5. Ellen
    TGO is precious on so many levels.
    Very prett posies
    AND OMCs.. these two lines were hilarious
    “Now I am hoping the cops don’t frisk me
    It might make me have to do a pee pee.”
    Hugs Cecilia

  6. Congrats to the Communion girl ~ what a blessing to have 4 generations in church ~ and fun poetry here too ~ hugs,

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  7. Chaplin: “Congratulations on The Great One’s First Communion! And the lilacs look delicious! I mean, pretty …”
    Lulu: “Getting frisked must be kind of like getting pet, right? A belly rub, if you will!”
    Charlee: “Weirdo.”

  8. I miss my lilacs… I will just enjoy yours!
    TGO is an animal lover and she is kind♥ Your family seems to have that gift of loving and respecting animals, has a family of wonderful role models.
    Your Poem made me laugh!!!! Hugs to you, Ellen.

    1. Thank you for the compliment. Typhoid Mary is not a real animal lover though. She doesn’t like dogs or cats near her, even her own. XO

  9. The First Communion class presented the flowers at Mass this past weekend in honor of Mother’s Day. They all looked so nice, according to Mom.

    Lilacs have the prettiest smell. Too bad the blooms don’t last all summer.

    Woos – Misty and Timber

  10. That’s a wonderful thankful. I’ve always liked lilac. Yours are beautiful.

  11. I’m glad your family believes in training up children in the way they should go.

    The lilacs are beautiful.

    What a fun poem! Yes, be careful frisking a dog.

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