Thankful Thursday


Hi everyone! We are joining Brian’s Thankful Thursday Blog Hop.

I am thankful to you all for the well wishes- I am feeling much better, thank you. And I am thankful that our reading with the medium went well. I didn’t get much about my kitties, but they were supposedly there. My sister came through as well as my grandmother ( mom’s mom) and my dad. A lot of things she told us were accurate, so I believe they were there. And all three of us felt like we got some closure. Lastly, I am thankful the bear I had made from one of my sister’s shirts came out adorable. As you know, I am having quilts made for the girls, but for The Boy, I had the bear made.

This post isn’t sponsored or anything, but I love the finished product and her prices are fantastic so if you are interested in doing this for someone, click here.

We are also joining Angel Sammy’s Poetry Day.  And here is the photo prompt provided:


The good old days when tv brought a family together,

perched around the one device like birds of a feather.
Now everyone sits all alone
playing on a cell phone. 
Here are the Friendly Fill-Ins for tomorrow. I came up with the first two and my co-host, Lorianne of Four-Legged Furballs came up with second two.
1. ___________________ down, _________________ to go.
2. It’s all fun and games until _________________.
3. By some miracle, I _________.
4. Unless _________, I rarely _________.


  1. I am glad you are feeling a lot better now. I am also glad you had a good reading with the medium. The little bear is cute.

  2. Glad your visit with the medium brought some closure and some interesting feedback……LOVE the bear made from your sister’s shirt – a lovely “forever” gift…….and I know the quilts will be super special too. Also think you did a great job with your poem for today – the radio and the TV brought families together and yes – these days – people more likely are in solitude with their phones instead of with family. Kind of sad!

    Hugs, Pam (and Teddy)

  3. It certainly sounds as if this was something your family needed to do. I’m glad you felt well about it when you walked away the teddy bear is a doll of course and I mean that as a cutie doll to give us a gift.

    1. Yes, we definitely needed it. My sister declined so quickly last year that it left us all in shock. XO

  4. Yes, your poem reveals the sad truth. Togetherness is what is missing in our society today. I’m glad you are feeling better, and that your meeting with the medium also relieved some longheld angst. You are very talented as well. That bear is quite unique and special being made from your sister’s shirt. Hugging it will be even more meaningful. Bless you.

  5. Ellen I’m so sorry you were feeling poorly and thankful you are on the mend. There is all kinds of crud still circulating around here too. What a darling bear. Your sister had excellent tastes in I love the fabric.
    Hugs Cecilia

  6. Java Bean: “That is a very cute stuffie you made for The Boy!”
    Charlee: “It’s not a stuffie because it’s not for dogs.”
    Java Bean: “BUT I WANT IT.”
    Charlee: “No.”
    Chaplin: “We’re glad you’re feeling better and the meeting with the medium went well. Your angel kitties were probably busy purring and that’s why you didn’t hear much about them!”

  7. Sad but true with the cell phone. We had family here in February and they spent a day with us and my brother-in-law spent most of the time scrolling on his phone. Happy you are feeling better and that you got some closure from the medium. The bear is adorable and so touching.

    1. That must have been frustrating. My niece’s dad did that during The Great One;s basketball game instead if watching his granddaughter and I was so mad. XO

  8. We are glad your session with the medium brought you good feelings. We have dealt with a couple of animal communicators and found them very helpful.

  9. HURRAH fore Meedium vissit!!! Wee so happy yore Ssitur an GranMum an PawPaw came thru’!! An purrhapss kittiess silent **purrin**….
    THE Bear iss ADOORBSS Aunty Ellen!
    An yore poe-em iss purrfection an meowss volumess!
    Yore furry poe-etick you know……
    ~~~head rubss~~~BellaDharma~~~ an ((hugss)) BellaSita Mum

    1. Thank you. 🙂 You are too kind- all I can do is rhyme. Your Uncle Siddhartha was the poet. XO

  10. It sounds like some large communications from your medium. That bear came out totally adorable. Thanks for joining our Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  11. We love that bear and the story behind her, so your sister is always near to you💗 That poem is so true, we see it that way too. Soft Pawkisses just for you🐾😽💞

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