1. Well, those patients look VERY healthy so those kitties must have been doing some good doctoring. LOVE the tent. Kitties, your house must be the funnest house on earth!

  2. Oh, I don’t know if those kitties are going to give up their tent! Those are very cute patients waiting for their appointments.

  3. Great selfies from all. That tent is a great idea. We like to under the coffee table and behind the sofa like we are in a den, so maybe we need to get Mom to make us a tent too.

    Woos – Misty and Timber

  4. Trying to post a comment again on Tuesday, MOL
    Anyway, what a cool tent you have which I do think should stay. Maybe get one for the hospital so it can turn into a MASH, like the TV show 😉

  5. Chaplin: “That is a great tent! It reminds us of Dennis’s old ‘Pasha Tent’ that he used to sit in outside. It got destroyed by a windstorm not long after Dennis went to the Rainbow Bridge.”
    Lulu: “Maybe Dennis sent the storm to collect his tent and bring it up to the Rainbow Bridge as well so he could enjoy it there.”
    Chaplin: “Hmm, maybe!”
    Charlee: “Our Dada says all those patients at the busy clinic remind him of that show he’s been watching on HBO, ‘The Pitt’, only a lot cuter and fuzzier.”

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