1. I’m so sorry to hear about Jackie. We send love and purrs to her. Those ginger boys are all mighty handsome! XO

  2. Mee-yow Tuffy needss a guud brush fore sure Aunty Ellen….hee doess not nose what hee iss missin!!
    Rusty iss so cute an Rudy iss heelareeus~~it musta been a grate joke!
    Wee are concerned fore Miss Jackie an wee vissited her bloggie an wee gonna mail her a card this weekend. Shee iss one of “THE Originalss” an wee ADOOR her so-o much!
    ***nose kissess*** BellaDharma an (((huggiess))) BellaSita Mum

    1. Tuffy is so afraid of us, except when licking butter off my finger. Thank you. I know she will appreciate the card and prayers. XO

  3. It really is hard to readabout Jackie’s health issues. We are hope the treatments will send it back into remission. She’s in my prayers.

    Nice orangey selfies!
    Too bad Tuffy won’t allow you to brush him. Would he use one of those ‘self brushing tools?? Its like a bottle brush in an arch, on a platform thet the kitty is supposed to walk through and self groom…

    1. I was sad to read the news. I know we are all praying for her. Thank you. Good idea, I will get one. XO

  4. Tuffy, looks like the v-e-t may need to give you a lion cut, I know you won’t allow brushing as the tufts pull on your skin. Be a good boy for Mom, now. You’ll be glad you did.

  5. It must have been a good joke to get Rudy laughing. Cute pics of the ginger boys, and purrs and prayers for Jackie.

    1. Rusty and Rudy are brothers. Tuffy is feral, his mom is Bridget and aunt is Ethel. XO

  6. Sending my prayers to Jackie. Adding her to my nightly Rosary.
    The Ginger Boys have done well for Sunday Selfies! Great timing for the click on Rudy. He really looks like he is laughing… well, I’m sure he is!!!

  7. Have been to Jackies blog to leave some comforting words.

    I love it with three ginger kitties in one post! I don’t know if you remember my Dante who was a large ginger tabby MC. I loves me some orange pussycat.

  8. Maybe it’s an orange-by thing. My old blind OrangeMan Buzzy doesn’t like to be brushed either. I try to keep him trimmed a bit but Age Has Its Privileges (at least where the kitties are concerned.)

  9. Yes, i am praying for Ms. Jackie.

    Your orange boys are all very handsome, even when unbrushed.

  10. We were so furry sad to hear that the evil disease is back harassing Jackie. We too have sent purrayers. And thanks so furry much for stopping by to see us. We are glad to be back and pawticipating. And we also make our Neighbors Mr F and Mr D happy. We LOVES to hunt in their gardens and back yards too! Mr F gives us cheese treats and Mr D gets us squeezies! Keep being awesome guys!
    Marvelous Marv, Kozmo, Cinnamon, Jo Jo and Mom Barb

    1. I am sad for Jackie too. I wish I could hire you to get all the evil voles. XO

  11. OMC that MOL made us MOL too, sweeties, all three of you. Now Tuffy, you really have to let yourself brush by your auntie, for your own good😸😺 Healing Pawkisses and Purrayers for Jackie and Ivor, so sad about that news🙏Extra Pawkisses for all of you🐾😽💞

  12. What handsome boys! Unfortunately cats have minds of their own when it comes to grooming.

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