Sunday Selfies


We are joining The Cat on My Head’s Sunday Selfie Blog Hop


Joanie took her selfie with her scrub top on playing vet with Typhoid Mary.
Friday likes Typhoid Mary too.
And Friday volunteered a second selfie- dressed for The Kentucky Derby.

Happy Mother’s Day to my wonderful mom!! And Happy Mother’s Day to all mothers out there including those of us that are moms to cats and other furbabies.

And we are praying for our friend Cinnamon who just had a major surgery- click here to visit.


  1. Glad to see Friday joining in the play ! We sent purrayers to Cinnamon.We hope that doesn’t offend him thatit isn’t barkurayers.

  2. Cute pictures of Joanie and Friday! Happy Mothers’ Day to all the moms! We send purrs to Cinnamon too! XO

  3. Aww, Friday and Joanie had some fun with Typhoid Mary! Happy Mother’s Day! XO

    P.S. We are purring for Cinnie.

  4. Daisy Mae and I loved your selfies. Daisy Mae is glad that I never tried dressing her up in clothes. Friday looks so darn adorable in her Kentucky Derby Hat.
    Happy Mother’s Day!!

  5. Love the scrubs. What patient kitties. Mothers’ Day was originally a day that women called for peace after the Civil War and the Franco Prussian war. Interesting. By the way, we LOVE it that you have automatic fill-in after a comment. Wish all bloggers could do that.

  6. Those are sweet selfies. It is lovely to see Friday joining in with Typhoid Mary. Happy Mother’s Day to you and your mom!

    1. Yes, I am glad she is fitting in. I wish Elvira would too, but she gets scared easily. XO

  7. Dear Ellen, and dear fur babies too. Happy Mother’s Day to your Mom. She epitomises Motherhood to all of you little ones, and to her nieces, and the rest of us out here in the CB too. We all feel the love and care. I couldn’t be more sincere. I am so glad to know you and your little ones. Joanie, kisses to you.

    1. Thank you. Happy Mother’s Day to you too. I am blessed to know you as well. XO

  8. Typhoid Mary has a lot of “fans” at your house!! Friday is fitting right in with the dressing up gang. Hope your Mother’s Day is wonderful………….

    Hugs, Pam and Teddy

  9. Happy Meowmy’ss Day Aunty Ellen!
    Lookin mitey aDOORBSS there Joanie!
    An Friday you look speck-taculur fore THE Kentucky Derby!
    Our pick came racin down TtHE backstretch an won!!!!
    HURRAH fore RICH STRIKE! Wee ADOOR him two….
    ***nose kissess*** BellaDharma an <3 an {{huggiess}} BellaSita Mum

    1. Thank you. Happy Mother’s Day to your wonderful mum!
      I am glad your pick won. I was rooting for #7, Crown Prince , he was in the lead very briefly. xo

  10. Charlee: “Nice scrubs, Joanie!”
    Chaplin: “Looks like you’re fresh off your shift!”
    Charlee: “Our Dada says they do a hat day here at the Del Mar racetrack, too. One time he went by it on race day and there were hats as far as the eye could see!”

  11. Nice selfies, Friday looks so stylish in his hat ! Happy Mother’s Day to your wonderful mom ! Purrs

  12. Awwww cute photos! Happy Mother’s Day! Thanks for the info about Cinnamon, their blog stopped coming to us so I didn’t know. xoxo

  13. Aww Friday! Wonderful Selfies today… so sweet. Friday is making herself right at home♥
    Happy Mother’s Day to you, Ellen, and your Mom. Joanie looks darling, she is a sweetheart.

  14. Love the Derby hat!!! Happy Mother’s Day to your wonderful mom!

  15. Friday and Joanie look marvelous! What an upset the Kentucky Derby was! And Cinnamon wants to thank you so furry much for the shout out. She is doing really well. She does NOT like getting her dressing changed, but she knows it is impawtant and she sure misses running and playing ball. She can’t wait for her stitches to come out so she can get back to her rambunctious self. Happy Mothers Day to you Miss Ellen! Purrs Mom and Marv and Cinnamon

    1. I am glad she is doing better. Thank you. Happy Mother’s Day to you too. XO

  16. Y’all look wonderful and how nice to see Friday having fun. Happy Mother’s Day to your very special Mom from us!

  17. Happy Mother’s Day!!
    Friday is becoming quite a social kitty, that was a quick adjustment! Wonderful!

    Joanie has tons of patience! So cute to see how she seems to enjoy the attention.

    I like Friday’s hat…she looks so elegant.😺

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