
Hi everyone! We are joining Comedy Plus’ Awww…Mondays and McGuffy’s Reader’s Sparks blog hop. I haven’t had a chance to do much reading with decorating , shopping and working on Christmas cards so I am skipping the reading hop.

I have a double spark this week. I have been recommending forgotten people to remember this holiday season. This week, I am suggesting the staff at the vet clinic. Most of you probably don’t spend as much time at the vet as I do, I usually get there at least once a week- not a good thing, The receptionists are always so sweet and the vet techs too. I will be there this week with Sammy for his dental and Polar Bear for his thyroid blood work. When I go, I plan to bring a treat for them , probably peanut butter fudge that I will make. I know most receptionists get minimum wage or not much more so I like to acknowledge their hard work. Is there a place you frequent that you could bring a treat to?

My other spark was of all things, on my McDonald’s coffee cup. They have nice festive cups, mine said ” Give the gift of kindness and hope it gets regifted.”ย  I thought that was such a great idea. I never thought of wanting something to be regifted, but kindness should be.

Don’t forget to comment on Sunday’s post for a chance to win Prancie’s Grumpy giveaway.



  1. My human’s boyfriend used to work at a vet clinic, and they got lots of goodies during the holidays… and were SO appreciative! That is a great idea to remember the staff.

  2. Another great suggestion for who to remember at this time of year. I always hope that kindness does get passed on and Ken and I really believe in this. Have a lovely day.

  3. Ellen,

    Thanks to your reminder a few weeks ago of leaving goodies for personnel who deliver packages and I managed to remember to give our UPS and pizza delivery guys last week a small parcel of home-made white and milk chocolate peanut butter balls. It seemed to be well appreciated, too.

    Kindness is an excellent virtue to regift. It doesn’t cost a thing to be nice to someone and you never know the impact your kindness will have on another. So, be kind folks, be kind to others! You shared a great sparkle of inspiration, my friend. Have a joyful week and be blessed!

    1. That was sweet of you to do for them. I am jealous that you have a pizza delivery guy- we are one mile beyond range. I hope you have a blessed week too!

  4. Excellent ideas, both of them. As mom knows all too well, even the smallest ray of hope can make all the difference. And also, she cringes to think of your vet bills!!

  5. The idea of regifting kindness is lovely, and i agree about the vet offices being a great place to spread the love. Our cat shelter gives a nice plate of treats to every vet’s office that works with us.

  6. Oh what a great idea to take a special something to the vet office staff. With so many kitties at your house I know you spend a whole lot of time there and it’s like part of the family isn’t it. They know you love your kitties and appreciate their help – giving back is a wonderful idea!

    Hugs, Pam and Teddy too

    1. Thank you. It used to be more like family, but since my niece left there many others have too ๐Ÿ™ XO

  7. We really like that idea of regifting kindness. And we love the idea of giving all the people like the mail lady etc. little gifts. Especially the vet techs etc. You all have a great day.

  8. This is a beautiful idea. Our vet’s office is filled with very caring people who are passionate about what they do. I’m sorry to hear your fur babies require so much medical attention, but am happy they have people who care so much about them.

  9. We were at the vet’s last week and brought our vet a large container of cookies to share (or not).

  10. I just love your Sparks this week! I cannot believe I did not think to get a gift for my veterinarians and their staff. The second I read your Spark, I went online and found a gift basket I think they will like. So, thank you for that suggestion! Our vets have done so much for Astrid this year, removing her sarcoma-inflicted toe. They also helped Thimble with a UTI and impacted ear wax, and they of course have taken care of all of the furbabies all around. And I also really like the sentiment you got on your McDonald’s cup. Have a beautiful day!

  11. Aww on the kitty. You’ve got so many precious ones.

    I do nice things for people year around and it’s a good thing. People appreciate their hard work being noticed.

    Have a purrfect Awww Monday and may your day be filled with wonderful Sparks. โ™ฅ

  12. Yur such a kind lady Aunty Ellen! An sweet….
    Did mee commint on thee bloggie gur thee grumpy Kat give-away?? EEEKKK!!! Mee not knowss! Neether does LadyMum….
    Mee will backtrack an see.
    ~~head rubsss~~ Siddhartha Henry~~

  13. guyz….itz veree nice oh mom ta say thanx two yur vet; N we hope yur testz go soooper grate aye oh kay shop vac N polar bear two โ™ฅโ™ฅโ™ฅ

  14. Great idea! Our veterinarians and their helpers are pawsome people. They also recently built a new “fear free” veterinary practice and we have to say, going to the house of the “white coats” is almost fun! (If it wasn’t for that ride in the big metal machine!)

  15. Our mom always drops off goodies and our card to the staff at our vet clinic. It is always so appreciated by them. Just a small way to let them know how much we appreciate them.

  16. Prancie, you girls. Sammy and Polar Bear I will be thinking of you two! Paws crossed. XXX

  17. Giving the gift of kindness is one of the best gifts, and is always appreciated.
    I was reading a blog about not giving “stuff” but giving things like time, help, favorite memories, etc.

  18. Lots of peeps bring goodies to the nurses station at my work…
    We brought a plate of cookies to the Wendy’s where our Ladies Bible Study group often goes to have lunch. I gave an ornament with a little write up about the real meaning of Christmas to the waitress where I was having lunch today.

    1. That was sweet of you to give something to the Wendy’s waitress, I bet no one ever does that. XO

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