Happy Wednesday everyone! Today’s letter is G on the a-z blogging challenge.
And the only word I could think of that has to do with cats is grass. Cats love to chew on grass almost as much as dogs do. You can buy it already started at pet stores or get your own oat grass seeds to grow for your kitties.
Sadly, this grass is no longer because I forgot to water it.
Today is also ROAR day and I am sending a small donation to Mimi of Creative Cat http://thecreativecat.net/ . There is a link on the blog to make a donation. And of course, prayers are important too.
This is the last day to enter the giveaway for a Temptations Snacky Mouse:
Phoebe will announce the winner tomorrow.
That little snacky mouse looks as if it would be lots of fun. Purrlease enter us in your contest. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo
You are entered in the giveaway- good luck!
I hear that when my human had cat grass here (she stopped cause she got tired of cleaning up cat grass puke), she put the container in a little bowl of water so it got watered from the bottom. That made it last a little bit longer.
Thanks for the tip, when we plant some more we will put it in a bowl too
Our cat grass never lasts long here… not because mum forgets to water it, but because our guys eat it to the roots as fast as we grow it!
I hid theirs in the diningroom so they would eat it all at once and then I forgot to water it.
Dang, we haven’t had any cat grass in a long, long time!
Maybe after seeing this your folks will grow some for you.
guys !! thanx for de ree minder…we gotta get de food gurl a chip choppin on gettin sum grazz for uz….itz been like FOR EVER { 5 weeks } sinz we had any grazz….
happee whitefish wednesday !! ♥♥♥
Happy Whitefish Wednesday to you too- and enjoy your grass
Haha, I think you were not the only one who thought of grass. I’ve just read a post on grass by The Kitty Corner and I’m a bit confused. She recommends that grass shouldn’t be available for the cats all the time. What’s your opinion on that? I just gave up on my toxic aloe vera plants, because I couldn’t figure out where to keep them. I was looking forward to planting something else, and I don’t want to spend my energy on hiding new plants. Here’s her article: https://thekittycorner.wordpress.com/2015/04/08/grow-an-indoor-garden-for-your-cat/
A to Z challenge. http://www.whenthecatisaway.com Participant number 1361.
I will check out that article. I don’t have it out at all times for my kitties because they would pull it all up by the roots. I keep it in the diningroom ( the only cat free area) and bring it out once a week or so. That was sweet of you to give up the Aloe Vera, I never even knew they were poisonous until I read about it on your blog.
Thank you!
Mommy be gwoin’ us sum gwass as we speak. Or type, however you wanna look at it. MOL Mommy looked wound fur dar little mousy yesfurday and we just don’t have any. It’s weally cute tho’. Glad y’all awe still enjoyin’ da one you got. Hope yous have a pawsum day.
Luv ya’
Dezi and Lexi
I am sure your Mom is better at growing the grass than I am. It seems like some parts of the country don’t have the snacky mouse yet. I wish I could send one to everyone.
The green grass of home. Love grass, mom doesn’t buy it because I’m vomiting my guts out when I eat it but I love it.
Yes, without grass I also vomit but I doesn’t left green stains on stuff, that is what my mom tells me… hairballs never appreciated with or without the green stuff
Poor kitty- maybe you could take a ride in the TARDIS over to visit us.
Yes, I should certainly after my mom latest adoption (The Horror)
The horror!
Very good G word.
Hugs madi your bfff
Thank you and hugs to you
Do you know Momma has never grown grass for us! How dare she! We also concur with you about Mimi. Purrs….
You poor deprived kitties, your Mom better grow you some this year.
We’re lucky to have a fence outdoor, because Mum would always forget to water our grass indoor ! Purrs
You are lucky that you get to go outside
That grass did look very lush and tasty. I get my grass out in the garden.
I feel bad that I didn’t water it
I will try harder with this next batch. You are lucky you get to go outside to eat it.
I’ve never tried to grow cat grass!
Poor Truffles
You can buy it at Petco already growing too.
Heh. I never eat the cat grass and it always turns brown and dies a slow death.
Wow! A kitty that doesn’t eat the grass- that is surprising.
The mom got us some cat grass once and Wally made a big mess with it and the mom took it away.
Maybe she will let you try it again.
We someties sneak outside through the doggy door…and we fin the outdoor grass. YUM!
Then we have a pukie fest when we get back in, MOL!
Another good reason to keep on with flea treatments, cause of our naughty habits…
We still think mousie is singing, MOL! So cute!
You wouldn’t have to sneak out if Mom would grow some indoors
Mee has nevurr had cat grass….lookss tastee!

Wee allmost did not get here to say Mousie!!! Butt mee iss here just befur bed to say mee iss still innterested inn thee Temptayshunss Mousie
Pleeze tell mee Rainbow Gurl mee LUVSS her trulee <3 <3 <3
**paw patss** Purrince Siddhartha Henry xxx
SOrry you didn’t win the mousie my sweet Purrince. I will try to buy you one if I can get my Grammie to keep giving me some dollars. I am saving up for a new pole too. Love, your sweet purrincess XOXOXO
Mee-you mee sweet Rainbow Gurl yur too kind to fink of savin yur green papurrss fur mee.
So pleeze do not wurry bout thee Mousie…mee not want to put yur Mumma out…
Mee cannot eatss Temptashunss beecause they gave mee thee runss
Yur Grannie soundss so nice to give you green papurrs….mee could use a ‘Grannie’ too
***paw kissess*** Siddhartha Henry xXxXx
I will share my Grammie with you, I will tell her to visit your bloggie. I am sorry those treats gives you the runns. When I first moved in here I had the runns for months until the vet found the right antibiotic for me. I was so thin. Love, your rainbow purrincess.
Mee-you you had trubble too mee sweet Purrincess?? Mee iss glad you got bettur an you look gorgeeuss an mee wood nevurr know you were sick evurr!!!
Fankss fur sharin yur Grammie with mee; yur so sweet!!!! What name doess yur Grammie use on here so mee can inntroduce meeself to her propurrlee??
**paw kissess** an ~~head rubss~~
Yur Purrince Siddhartha Henry <3 <3
My Grammie doesn’t comment often, her name is Joan, but Grammie is fine
XOXOXOX to you my sweet purrince.
Wee wood wellcome Grammie Joan to Thee Purrfect Pad!! Anytime…
**paw kissess** sweet Rainbow Gurl <3
Purrince Siddhartha Henry xxxx
I will tell her to visit you sweet Purrince XO
YIPPEE!!!! mee can hardlee wait fur Grammie to come vizit Rainbow Gurl….thiss iss wunderfull
***paw kissess*** yur Purrince Siddhartha xXxXx
You will love Grammie
[…] ROAR for G […]