Remember Me Thursday


Hi everyone! We are joining Brian’s Thankful Thursday Blog Hop.  It is also #RememberMeThursday , a day to shine the light on pets in need of homes.

I am thankful that my hubby and I have been able to give a loving forever home to many kitties over the years

Most of our cats just showed up at our house or were trapped by someone we knew, but 4 came from shelters, all angels now- Snowball, KaTwo, Sammy and Joanie.

Angel Joanie last September
Angel Sammy, September 2021

To learn what you can do to shine the light, click here. 

Here are the Friendly Fill-Ins for tomorrow. I came up with the first two and my co-host, Lorianne of Four-Legged Furballs came up with second two.

1. I have had Covid _____________ times.
2. There is no acceptable excuse for ________________________.
3. I wish _________ lasted all year long.

4. I probably look silly when I _________, but I don’t care.


  1. Dearest Ellen,
    Lovely images of your shelter kitties, now angels, Joanie and Sammy!
    It is so good that they have known true human love in their lives.
    Mariette + Kitties (Spooky cried as it is raining heavy and with thunder)… so his Mami got up to comfort him.

  2. Chaplin: “On behalf of cats everywhere, thank you and your hubby!”
    Charlee: “We all came from shelters, except for Oona, who is some kind of changeling left by elves I think.”
    Oona: “Lies!!! Oona was left on Dada’s cousin’s porch by a neighborhood cat, as you well know!”
    Charlee: “Sounds like something elves would do with a changeling, if you ask me.”

  3. Ellen, a wonderful post for Remember Me Thursday. Totally grateful to you and your Hubby for giving all the kitties a home forever. Angel Joanie and Angel Sammy knew love in your home. All the kitties you gave love and security to till the end of their lives. Thank you, Ellen. Thank you for sharing them with us♥

  4. You and your husband are angels. Hugs, my dear. Oh, and Polly enjoys Auntie Ellen’s knitted toys more than ever of late, making lots of noise until I toss her latest favorite down the cellar stairs or across the ground floor. She proudly presented one near the front door while I hauled out dirty litter today. Planning to interact upon returning inside I was amused that they’d both disappeared downstairs again. Be well!

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