Penny’s Tips Volume 156

Hi everyone!

I am here with my monthly money saving tips for you. The other morning, on The Morning Show, they were talking about a new site to find look alike products you want at a cheaper price. It is called 

You simply upload a photo or a link to the item you like and they will find you the dupe version much cheaper. Well, my mom tried it. She recently purchased a pink velvet futon for the spare room because the girls won’t share the bed when they sleep over, despite the fact that it is full sized. Amazon had a lot of them under $200, but they had shipping fees for $89 (she has prime, but that doesn’t count on these). Mom found it on Temu, her favorite place for $157 with free shipping. She figured she would put in the Amazon link and see what Dupe could do- for that, they claim it was a tough item and had zero results. I am still telling you about the site though because you may be able to find what you want. I would show you a photo, but it is due to arrive tomorrow- I hope Dad can get it assembled before tomorrow night.

I have a tip for my mom, but she won’t listen. Don’t have the kids over. It costs a fortune- a futon, freezie cups, toothbrushes, toothpaste, all the foods they like, ingredients for Typhoid Mary to make ice cream and The Great One to make blueberry jam plus all the craft supplies. Imagine all the treats she could have bought for instead.

Let me know if you have better luck with that site.

We are joining Comedy Plus’ Happy Tuesday Blog Hop

*Disclosure- we are enrolled in the Temu affiliate program, but we don’t know how to set up links for it so we have yet to make any money. I just had to tell you so mom doesn’t get in trouble.

Have a nice holiday! See you next month.



  1. What interesting tips, Penny! Ha! Somehow I don’t think your Mom is going to use your tip about not having the kids over. Nice try, though. XO

  2. LOL! Penny, you are funny!
    When I want a luxury item.I think; do I need this or do I want this…if its just a want, then I should put the same amount of $$ to a fund for other more important things…so that makes the price double in a way…but then if you can afford it and its not a need (A True Need), than that workes for me!

  3. WOW, a pink bed would have been so cool at that age…and what a great name: HAHA fantastic, and from my point of view, Penny has really good ideas about “visits” from the terrors….we kitties sometimes do need our SPACE! Maybe I’ll visit Penny and try to calm the ruffled waters when the girls visit……

  4. Penny, I totally agree with your final sentence: imagine all the treats she could have bought!
    Never would I order from a Chinese e–commerce giant! The Better Business Burea only gives them a customer rating of less than 1.5 stars.
    Mariette + Kitties

  5. Thanks for the tip! I will have to check them out. 🙂 Your mom treats you and your furblings beautifully so it’s okay if she spoils her nieces a little on occasion. 😉

  6. Good tips, Penny! I have not checked on Temu yet. Going to have to check it out. That is an interesting thought process about the girls using up a lot of money when they visit but them not coming to see your Mom is not going to fly! Good thing she loves you all!!! I hope your Mom figures out how to make the links work for Temu.

  7. Hm. I need to see how that works, Penny. What a cool app. Dupe. Thanks! And I also don’t think your mom will use your tip about the kids coming over!

  8. We’ve had bad experiences with Temu. We received broken items and they don’t have replacements or the parts to fix them.

    Penny, I don’t think your mom will use your tip. I feel the money spent on the girls is worth it.

    1. THat stinks. I have been very lucky with many orders and the 2 returns I made were simple-one item they told me to donate instead of sending back. XO

  9. The best way to save money is to have no kids or pets, but where’s the fun in that? Thanks for the head’s up about the site, there may be other items it is easier for them to price out this way, it’s certainly worth a few minutes research.

  10. penny ewe R rite…yur mom spended 67,299.50 on goodz for a sleep over and de amount oh treetz….knot ta menshun pizza piez, ewe all coulda had wooda been in de bazillionz . tell mom ta haz fun! 😺‼️💙💚

  11. Sometimes sites claim cheaper and they aren’t. I always go for the cheapest. Great advice.

    Thank you for joining the Happy Tuesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Happy Tuesday, Ellen. Scritches to all the kitties and a hug to mom. ♥

  12. A Pink Velvet Futon! We could use one of those! But then we would have to get rid of my favorite sofa in the Man Cave, so I will have to hold off on trying to purr-suade our Peep to get one! — Maybe the living room! The pleather recliner is starting to flake! And Pink Velvet would hold all out furrs! Keep being awesome guys! Penny, you look terrific!
    Purrs Marvelous Marv

  13. Hmmm, we are not sure if our comments are “sticking” or purrhaps they are going into spam… We think our Peep should get a pink Velvet Futon! I can see it befurred now!
    Keep being awesome guys!
    Marvelous Marv

  14. Wee gotta check out this just to see hat they has Penny! Yore ‘tip’ was heelareeus! Wee doubt Aunty Ellen will stop havin THE Kidletss over….butt it was a guud try!
    Mew mew mew mew BellaDharma an **blowss kissess** BellaSita Mum

  15. Thank you for the tips, Penny. Mom looks around on Temu too. Just remember it is OK for Mom to spoil the kiddos because, as our Mom says, they grow up way too fast.

    Woos – Misty and Timber

  16. Charlee: “Hmm, you may be on to something there buying treats and toys for you cats instead of having the kids over. More fun for you, and fewer strange humans in the house.”
    Chaplin: “What’s your beef with strange humans? They give pets and sometimes treats.”
    Charlee: “They’re strange, that’s what!”
    Java Bean: “Ayyy, back up, did someone say ‘beef’?”

  17. We totally understand why you don’t want the kids over. The ones living here are REALLY noisy. Purrs, Snoops and Sgt Stripes

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