Penny’s Tips Volume 154


Hi everyone! I am here with my money saving tips of the month for you. It is the perfect time of year to plant some flowers and vegetables, so I found you some ways to get some seeds for free or just the cost of shipping.

First off, check your local library. Ours has a seed library where people donate leftover seeds you can take for free.

Our local Dollar Tree has seeds, 4 packets for $1.25. I assume all the stores in the chain have the same offer. has a huge list of available seeds- flower and vegetable. You can get a lot of packets, you just have to make a donation to cover the shipping. Click here. has a Grow Your Own Food Seed Pack kit you can get with a minimum donation of $5 to cover shipping. Click here. 

If you prefer to grow some trees, you can become a member of The Arbor Day Foundation for as little as $12 and receive 10 free trees and/or shrubs with your membership. Click here.

Have you planted anything yet this year?

My folks have indoor cherry tomatoes ( self-pollinating)  and some onions and regular tomatoes started. Dad checked and the catnip came back up so that is good news.

See you next month.

We are joining Comedy Plus’ Happy Tuesday Blog Hop


  1. Beautiful photo of you, Penny! That’s alot of good info and I really like the idea of growing things, especially food items! I haven’t ever done it though. XO

  2. WOW, those tips are incredible, Penny, and maybe they will ship to France with a little extra moola….
    whatevr that is. Mama has tomatoes, arugula and coriander in the ground and Japanese shisu is taking over the garden! Have to pull it out and give it to our local Asian resto as the cook loves it.
    GREAT tip merci. And thank heaven for the nip bed…
    A question: we used to not have to fill in our info in comments but it changed. Just curious.

    1. I don’t think they would, but maybe your library has a seed bank. 🙂 Not sure why you have to fill in your info- sorry. XO

  3. Penny, our human has been tossing the dirt around and we just don’t get it, but she’s happy. Mimi’s supurrvising her so we figure she can’t get into any trouble. The other day she was yelling at the squirrels, who always deserve it, for digging in her pot of Basil. We don’t get it, Basil is our fur brother, did he come from a pot? Did we? Anyway, we are happy that this year’s catnip is growing like crazy with all this rain. And she just wanted to add a couple more free seed places. She found the Seed Savers Exchange back before the interwebs in Organic Gardening Magazine, but you browse the site and offer your unwanted seeds and find what you want and exchange. And you can often find people giving seeds away on free exchange sites or online selling sites for free like Freecycle, craigslist, Nextdoor, Facebook. Happy gardening!

  4. I’d love to have a garden when I get a place of my own. We don’t get enough sun to keep anything inside. And the condo board won’t let us have planters on our porch.

  5. I tried to do good this year Penny. I bought my seeds early and I got them all started in the house and we had lots of hot weather instead of cold weather. I planted them outside and I put cardboard collars around them to keep the Slugs off. We have slug Invasion that you would not believe and half of what I planted is now gone because they ate it all. And our catnip plant was ruined by the Tomcats in the neighborhood. Lynn is hoping that a baby will Sprout from seed. Precious

  6. Penny, you sure did tell us a lot of great news this morning. And you are looking mighty spiffy too I will add! You worked hard getting all this information for our parents. I hope your Mom gave you treats!

  7. All of our local libraries seem to have seed banks.
    Decided to not plant anything new this year, to take stock of what we do have, and already I need to relocate many items.

  8. Lots of money saving ideas. I had no idea about any of these things. I learn so much here.

    Thank you for joining the Happy Tuesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Happy Tuesday, Ellen. Scritches to the kitties. XO ♥

  9. Thank you for the tips, I will pass them on. As for me, I will do the seeds a favor and leave them to someone who does not have a black thumb like I do.

  10. penny…thanx for de linx…theez R sum awesum pawsum saver tipz
    and round trout towne, we like ta see stuff growin 🍀🌷🌸 glad
    dad iz keepin an eye on de nip….ask him ta pleez grow sum grazz
    two….eye think ya gotta get a kit for it tho 🐟😺‼️

    1. Thank you. Good idea. He does have oat grass seeds ready to plant for me. XO

  11. Such great suggestions!!! Thank you, Penny. Mom would love to have a big garden but the deer, rabbits, and squirrels are such nuisances – they eat everything.. Mom has usually had one tomato plant in a smart pot on the deck that stays safe from the pests. This year she is taking a chance and added two more pots to the landscape bed where the grotto is. But she is having her doubts if that will be successful.

    Woos – Misty and Timber

    1. My dad has to fight all that stuff off too. He has some solar thing that emits sounds they don’t like. XO

  12. I always plant tomatoes but not until Memorial Day. Last year a neighbor had some extra cherry tomato and cucumber plants for free on their front lawn so I grabbed those too. It was my first time growing cukes and I’ve been told it can be hard, but I ended up with a dozen!

  13. Hi, Penny!
    We planted 3 redbud trees, and there is still one more to plant after a decision is made about *where* it should go, LOL!
    I sowed some marigold seeds randomly…from the large amount I harvested last year. They seem to love our hot summers. Do even better than geraniums.

    I have cilantro coming up self sown from plants that went to seed.

    And I too bought some seeds from the dollar store…

  14. Good Morning, Penny! We are getting ready to plant a palm tree in the front yard. We have a variety of plants and palms in our yard… they came with the house. They are all tropical plants and palms so they are new to us.
    Thank you for all the links. I love to look at plants and flowers!

  15. Java Bean: “Ayyy, our Mama has planted a few tomatoes this year! I was helping her water them, but then she put up a fence around them to make me stop. I guess she doesn’t want my help.”
    Charlee: “Can’t imagine why not …”

  16. Detroit has a Flower Day market every year where you can get good prices on a lot of plants. Mom and our human brother are going tomorrow. They have instructions to look for silver vine and catnip. Purrs, Snoops and Sgt Stripes

    1. I hope they get lots of plants. I don’t think silvervine grows in the us. XO

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