Nosey Rosie’s Tips -21

Hi everyone! I hope you are not sick of me. Penny says she has the whole month off.

I must admit, I wasn’t sure what to write about today.

I decided to tell you about all the mushrooms my Dad has been finding. We had a lot of rain last week so he kept finding lots of them and many are edible. I will tell you what he ate, but please, always check with a book or online because there are a lot of poisonous ones that look similar.

This is a Pale Bolete.


Porcini- also called Penny Buns, but they don’t look like Penny;s buns to me.
Lilac Bolete

Dad ate them all. Mom tried a tiny bite of each, but she told Dad someone needed to be able to call 911. Fortunately, she didn’t have to call.

Mom is glad it stopped raining because looking up mushrooms was cutting into her blogging time.

Have your folks ever gone mushroom picking? And if so, did they eat them?

I sure hope I get a squeezie for all my hard work while Penny is slacking off on vacation.

We are joining Comedy Plus’ Happy Tuesday Blog Hop.


  1. The only mushrooms here that I will actually pick top eat are the huge giant puff balls. We love those, I dice them and then dry them, so we can have ‘shrooms on our pizza, etc. YUM! The dehydrator does make the whole house smell kind of earthy, though…and we have not had any of those here in a few years. I am leery of all the others, even though I have books to identify them…and I have seen some morels here, YUM! A friend of mine would love to come and hunt them in my yard…though this spring we did not have any…go figure.

    And we are not sick of you, Rosie!

    1. We had morels last spring right in our yard. Never tried the puff ball, good to know it is edible. Glad you are not sick of me. XO

  2. Rosie, it’s always good to see you!
    Interesting mushrooms for sure. The only one I’m familiar with is the Chanterelle, and that’s only because they are everywhere this year, bumper crop. I for sure won’t be eating any! XO

  3. You definitely deserve a squeezie treat. 🙂 My maternal grandfather was great at finding Chanterelles and Mom and I had fun searching alongside him but never picked up his skill. ~sigh~ They are expensive at the store, too, so good on your dad. I’m glad your mom ended up able to trust him. 🙂 Yum!

  4. It’s too dry here for mushrooms, unfortunately, because my human loves them and has to buy them at the store. Still, it’s probably safer that way.

  5. The pale bolete looks like the big field mushrooms we get in the horses field after rain. We have to get them quick because the horses must think it is something alien in their fields and scrape at them. We used to get a lot of closed cup mushrooms in our lawn, but when it was reseeded they never grew again. The spores are supposed to always be in the ground so maybe they will surprise us again one day.

    1. I bet they will. That is funny about the horses. My hubby was fighting squirrels for his. 🙂 XO

  6. We’re not tired of you at all, Rosie. Penny wants the month off and if that’s the case she’ll be back next week.

    I don’t mess with wild mushrooms. I’m sure I wouldn’t know the good from the poison ones.

    Thank you for joining the Happy Tuesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Happy Tuesday, Ellen. Scritches to all the kitties. ♥

  7. We’re not sick of you. We love having you. Love your tips Rosie.
    If Penny’s not careful, you’re going to take over and do things better MOL, LOL.
    Mom Crystal doesn’t care for mushrooms either and feels the same way your human Mom does.

  8. rosie; we hope mom and dad finded sum for uze ona pizza pie !! 🙂 ♥♥

  9. Cool looking mushrooms or toadstools. I sure wouldn’t eat one though. Nice tips!

  10. Rosie, this is a fun and interesting post. I had never hunted mushrooms until I married SSNS. We always hunted morels in the Spring and we fried them after flouring them. Your Mom was good to be safe and make sure someBODY could call 911… Ha! We wouldn’t eat any other mushroom other than morels because we didn’t trust our knowledge. SSNS family had been eating them for years. I don’t know where the heck I thought Porcini shrooms came from but I was surprised your Dad found them. I also think of them as being kind of exotic. I hope you get a squeezie too because this brought back some good memories!

    1. We had morels in our yard last year, only time .They are tasty. Glad I brought back memories. And I did get my squeezie. 🙂 XO

  11. LOL! but they don’t look like Penny’s buns to me.
    As one who doesn’t care for mushrooms, you can have all of them!! I do think they are interesting to look at though.

  12. While i’m not a fan of mushrooms, my Sweetie is, i will show him this and he can go look at the ones in our yard.

  13. We had lots of mushrooms in the grass here too with all the rain we had. Mom loves mushrooms, but she gets them at the store. She doesn’t want to take a chance on making a mistake in identifying those mushrooms.

    Woos – Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  14. wow- yummy mushrooms! We do not go picking as we are not taught yet how to tell a good one from a poisonous one! Have a lovely day!

  15. Squeezy fore Rosie…inn fact 2 beecause shee has dun so much werk fore Penny this month!
    Those mushroomss are so kewl lookin….LadyMew used to go Mushroom huntin many many yeerss ago with her guide book. An shee looked fore Fiddleyheadss two.
    Well dun fore yore Mistur findin so much guud nomss!
    ***purrss*** BellaDharma an {{huggiess}} LadyMew

    1. That is cool that your mum used to forage. My hubby found fiddleheads once, but they were not the right ones and tasted awful. XO

  16. I imagine picking mushrooms would be fun. They’d be great for a soup. But I wouldn’t trust myself to determine which ones are safe!

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