Nosey Rosie’s Gabfest


Hi everyone.  Penny asked me to thank you all for the purrs and prayers. She is feeling better.

Last week, Penny was not her usual talkative self. She always follows Dad around the kitchen and talks to him. She rarely meows to mom. She has had some allergy for years and when it flares Mom gives her Zyrtec (always check with the vet for dosage). Well, this time, Penny had been scratching and chewing so much that she had an infection. She got a steroid shot and an antibiotic shot on Thursday and was much better Friday. She also had blood work which was all perfect. The only troublesome issue is the vet thought one of her lesions seemed like a mass so she will get rechecked next week. We are praying it is just part of the infection.

Did I ever tell you that my Grammie is a Bounty hunter? She only likes the full-sized sheets and they are very hard to find, especially on sale.

Mom put all the clinic patients in jail.

Not sure why. Maybe they didn’t pay their clinic bills.

It has been a quiet week. The Boy had a cold so he didn’t get to come here because Dad can’t get sick. Dad is having a tooth removed on Thursday. I am glad Grammie and Mom watched him at his place.

Next week Penny will be here with money saving tips. She may want to take the week off though if she wants to milk her illness for all it is worth.




  1. Glad the vet knew what to do to help Penny. We pawray that her lesion will not be a mass…maybe the infection caused a swelling that made it feel like a mass.
    Nope, a cold need to never be shared. My niece when she was about one or so, had a cold and shared it with my Dad, and he ended up in the hospital for a few days, since any infection played havoc with his blood sugar…seent it skyrocketing! Yikes!
    Hope your Dad will do OK with getting a bad tooth out, Rosie. Tell the tooth fairy(!)…

    I hope that jail is secure…else they might decide to escape!

  2. Oh, thank heaven for good vets and we hope sweet Penny will be fine soon. Good luck on the tooth…mama says ask for drugs, haha. Do they use laughing gas? As if you could laugh in a dentist’s chair, haha, but hope all goes well. What is Bounty? We’ll Googe it…

  3. Well we are certainly sorry that Dad has to lose a tooth. And we’re glad to hear that Penny might be feeling much better. Not that taking medicine is any fun but if it works then it’s a good thing.

  4. Wow, Rosie! That is a lot of good gossip. I am glad Penny is feeling better! Aww, losing a tooth is not fun and I hope all goes well for Dad.

  5. Oh man alive Penny. I sure hope you are completely better this very week! I also hope you Dad gets through the tooth pulling quickly and well. Those patients in the Clinic must have been VERY naughty to be i jail!

  6. Do hope Penny continues to heal ~ not fun being ill. ~ Lots of hugs,

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    clm ~ A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  7. I’m glad that Penny is on the mend. I hope the mass is just part of the infection. Prayers continue.

    Mom put all of them in jail. She must have had a good reason.

    Thank you for joining the Happy Tuesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Happy Tuesday, Ellen. Scritches to all the kitties, healing pets to Penny and a big hug to mom. ♥

  8. st francis blessingz two ewe penny… two..why knot huh… ‼️😺🐟💙
    N heerz hopin yur day iz goin grate rosie and de boy iz lotz better all sew 🐟💙🍀‼️

  9. Guud GREEF Rosie wee thott itwas you who was unwell….Mee BAD!
    Penny wee hope you get over yore innfection an feel MUCH better!
    YIKES!!! Efurryone went to jail?? Wee REELLY wanna nose THE back story 😉
    Sorry THE Boy iss unwell. Sendin him *POTP*
    Guud luck at THE dentist Unkell….bee carefull….
    Aunty Ellen you got yore pawss full there!
    Thanx fore a GRATE reepot Rosie!
    ~~~head rubss~~~BellaDharma~~~ an {{hugss}} BellaSita Mum

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