Nosey Rosie’s Gabfest


Hi everyone!

I think it is safe to come out. Friday was tough. Mom has 3 kids here all day. The Great One, Typhoid Mary and their cousin, I guess on here we will call him The Cousin. The Boy stayed home with Grammie because all the stuff mom had planned was for older kids.

As you know, us cats like the tent mom got for the kids to go indoor camping.

Well, mean old mom took the tent down. Her and Dad thought it took up too much space to leave up. Why couldn’t they just get rid of the couch or something instead of our tent- no fair.

The kids like to play with sand, but now Mom is a little short on baking dishes because the kids won’t share one. And they want her to leave their creations. They did make some cute mini sandcastles.

Speaking of mini, poor little Lola almost got eaten by The Great One’s cat, Pumpkin. She is recovering in bed now, the poor thing.

Mom saves plastic bags for scooping litter into. Don’t get her started on the places that ban them because she likes them. Well, someone found her stash and scratched them up so now they have holes in them and the litter falls out.

ย Shhhh! Don’t tell mom, it was me that did that.

Well, that is all for this week. Penny will be here next week with some money saving tips.



  1. I bet you’re glad to have your space back, right? It sounds like it was quite a busy place up there. Mom and dad keep a stockpile of plastic bags for my scoopings, too. Some stores around us have them, and when our supply runs a bit low, mom makes sure to grab a few extras. Have a wonderful week!

  2. Oh, Rosie, holes in the litter bags? That may be the one unforgiveable action so think of something you can do to make up for it! Maybe jump on you know who’s lap and snuggle fast!!!
    LOVE the recuperating sweetie! And your mama is so creative…those sand castles are amazing. What lucky kids even if you have beat it out of there when they come, haha.

  3. My cat litter comes in the same kind of bag. But Lynn does keep it in the garage so my toenails never get near it. I’m not sure if I would try using it for a scratchy post or not Rosie, but I’ll think on that for a while. Precious

  4. Rosie, you poor kitty; you’ve had a tough week! The tent taken down and lots of kids around is just too much. Now, about the plastic bags – tsk tsk.

  5. If the holes aren’t bad, you could use masking tape. We do that with grocery bags that have a split at the seam. I think the tent should stay!

  6. Having 3 kids all day long had to be stressful for you kitties. Our kitties don’t like visitors either. They go hide.

    I won’t tell mom it was you that put those holes in the litter bags. I did laugh though.

    Thank you for joining the Happy Tuesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Happy Tuesday. Scritches to all the kitties and a big hug to mom. โ™ฅ

  7. Charlee: “We think trading the couch is a small price to pay for keeping the tent up. Humans have trouble prioritizing sometimes.”
    Chaplin: “Close call for Lola! Kind of like that guy on the kayak who got eaten by the whale a few weeks ago!”
    Oona: “Your secret is safe with Oona, Penny. Oona is great at keeping secrets. LIKE A NINJA.”

  8. rosie….thatz just plane rood that mom and dad taked down yur tent….tell them what with spring neer bye, ta put an a dizh un on two yur houz….one may bee 700 X 700……that way yur tent can stay up all de time…..and all sew tell yur mom that her can uze dawg poop bagz if her runz outta groc ree bagz ~~~~โ™ฅโ™ฅโ™ฅ

  9. Mom is a brave lady!! Yay for her and I know the kiddos will remember all her love and TLC with great fondness. I too used plastic bags for litter. Now I save them for my daughter. Too bad the tent is down…Maybe in a few weeks they can have one in the back yard.Hugs Cecilia

  10. Rosie, wild horses couldn’t get me to tell about those bags! Never worry about that! But I laughed. And I am sorry that the tent came down. Awful! And LOLA! Gee whiz…was the Clinic open? Poor thing!

  11. Hee! Hee! Rosie, I am glad I’m not the only one who scratches plastic bags! Our Mom went to a litter locker after she could not get plastic bags. Our Human Bro has been doing all the litter since Mom can’t go up and down the basement stairs since she broke her leg and he LOVES it as it stops the stink! Who knew! And we wish we had a tent…I wonder if we could talk our human bro into putting up one in the basement for us…Keep being awesome! Marvelous Marv (and Kozmo, and Jo Jo and Nutmeg)

    1. Maybe you can get your brother to set one up if you sneak on your mom’s computer and order one on Amazon. ๐Ÿ™‚ XO

  12. Oh your tent sounds fun while it lasted ~ too many kids around can be tiring for you kitties ~ rest up ~ hugs,

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    clm ~ A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  13. Maybe your mom and dad can move the couch inside an even larger, epic tent. ๐Ÿ˜€ I use plastic bags for scooping kitty poopy but some have holes to begin with. ~sigh~ I either double bag or just use the higher quality ones from Jungle Jim’s. ๐Ÿ™‚ Best wishes!

  14. The kids love you and would never hurt you, you know.

    It’s a shame to not have the tent all the time, but houses are only so big.

    Thanks for the news update!

  15. I would go into hiding with that many kids around too! (When VT proposed the bag ban I hoarded as many as I possibly could before it went into effect. I haven’t run out yet! Every now and then something I’ve ordered on ebay has come with lots of plastic bags as extra wrapping. That really excites me! I’m sad LOL)

  16. Good idea to use the bread bags. Mom would like an addition on the house for Grammie, but she needs to win the lottery. Poor Lola got attacked again, she was visiting in Grammie;’s room and Rusty got in and went for her. XO

  17. Bummer on the bags with holes. When I’m shorthanded and if the holes are too bad, I use package tape to be able to use them.

    Looks like the kiddos had a good time visiting.

  18. Aww kids and cats all love tents in the house. My girls both had bed tents that covered their beds for awhile. I’m glad the tents of yours was fun for awhile. ๐Ÿ™‚

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