Nosey Rosie’s Gabfest


Hi everyone! Another slow week around here, but I know the girls will be here Friday.


judging by all these boy toys, I think The Boy will be coming over soon too.

Mom sure was grumpy yesterday, all she could eat was green jello, chicken broth and black coffee. Then she had to drink some icky stuff that made her keep, well never mind. Apparently, the doctor is going to put a camera up, well never mind. Mom says I already gave TMI.

Grammie is still staying with us. Mom is holding her hostage until spring. Rusty follows her everywhere and when she gets up at night to go to the bathroom, all 4 boys stand outside the door for snacks. Boys sure can be rude.

It has been chilly so a lot of us have been sleeping on the bed. Dusty sleeps on mom’s side, Friday sleeps on her head, Penelope sleeps on Dad’s side and I sleep by their feet. No boys allowed.

Well, that is all I have for this week.

We are joining Comedy Plus’ Happy Tuesday Blog Hop








  1. Hope all goes well for your mom. She should know cats can’t keep anything quiet! You must all keep your mom and dad nice and warm at night. Sweet picture of you looking over your shoulder. Are you watching out for the girls arriving?

  2. Rosie, thanks for the news and I hope all goes well with Mom. We all know that cats can’t keep from sharing TMI. Cute pics and stay warm.

  3. Dear Rosie, we certainly hope that your mommy gets through this icky test very soon. Lynn had it done at two times and everything has been whistle clean so she has never going to have it done again. It sounds like you all know the best way to stay warm at night.

  4. Rosie, you look totally gorgeous! And you delivered all the news! Your report about Grammie and the 4 boys accompanying her to the bathroom and then, waiting by the door for her to come out so they can have snacks..the way you put it got mom rolling over here! She and I both are thankful for the laughs! Yup. Boys can be rude! You sure made mom’s morning here, though.
    Tell your mom we know all will go well for the testing. XOX

  5. Hope your mom recovers from her never mind. If all is good, she won’t need another for 10 years.

  6. Rosie you are an ace reporter.
    I hope Mom’s procedure is over by now and all is well
    Have a good remainder of the week as you await the arrival of TGO, TM and TB
    Hugs Cecilia

  7. Poor mom. I’m well aware of how awful the day before that procedure is. It will be over soon and mom will be able to eat whatever she wants.

    Thank you for joining the Happy Tuesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Happy Tuesday. Scritches to all the kitties and a hug to mom. ♥

  8. Rosie, we hope your mom is doing okay and that the tests turn out fine🙏We follow Granny wherever she goes too. Not for treats, but just to be around her😸Double Pawkisses for a Happy Day to all of you and a Healing Pawkiss for your mommy too🐾😽💞

  9. rosie…eye cracked up heerin de doodz wait out side de toy let room for grammie ta givez em treetz 😺😺😺🐟‼️💙 hope all goez well with yur momz ewe noe what 💙💚🐟

  10. A slow week can be a good thing.

    Tell your mom I hope the people with the camera find ahe’s clean as a whistle inside and out. That’s what I gor the last time they got the camera after me.

  11. Hope things all go very well for your Mom, Rosie. Give her some sloppy kisses from us. We are thinking the visit from the kiddos will be just the medicine she needs.

    Woos – Misty and Timber

  12. I at least hope your anesthesiologist was as good as ours, dear Ellen. Waking up after the procedure is like having had the best dreamless sleep imaginable. 🙂 Great report, Rosie!

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