Nosey Rosie’s Gabfest

Hi everyone. I am resting up. The big party is Sunday which means there will be a lot of kids here.

I am a little mad at Grammie. She was wrapping presents so I tried to help. She rolled out the paper and I sat on it to hold it down so it wouldn’t roll back up and she told me to get off. My little feelings were hurt.

Mom has been running a sweat shop here. When she sent out Christmas cards, she made Dad seal them all and Grammie put the stamps and return address labels on. And today she had Grammie assemble these ornaments.

Grammie asked why the kids didn’t want to make them. Apparently, if something doesn’t include glitter or water (preferably both) then they are not interested. Mom always has some ornament to give everyone that attends the party. She has done crocheted snowflakes, beaded snowflakes, crocheted pickles, spiders, etc.

Dusty and I are kind of friends now. I hope she doesn’t turn on me like Friday does sometime. This is a new Christmas blankie and it is super soft.

Everyone has been behaving. I guess they know Santa is watching them.




  1. Rosie, just stay with your Grammie, and all will good at the party. Those are cute snowman ornaments!

    Nice idea to give out take home favors. I’ve been to parties/gatherings, where the guests are given the things to make their own take home favors, (as a part of the party doings), and I still have most of them. It’s kind of fun that way I think.

    We thought Dusty looked really cute in her Santa hat, and we had fun reading all the letters and song to Santa!

  2. Rosie you look good on that soft fluffy blanket. And look at those little snowman that have been made for gifts. How cute. But not as cute as you. Give Dusty a purr and I’m sure she’ll be your friend for life.

  3. Rosie, you are such a helpful kitty. You look comfy on the fluffy Christmas blankie. I think the snowman ornaments are adorable and how cool you and Dusty are becoming friends.

  4. Rosie, I know Dusty will be a friend always. The two of you will need to remember that sometimes things happen. Forgive and forget. XXX

  5. Rosie ~ you are a sweetie ~ love your Xmas blanket and you will be okay ~ you are loved ~ hugs,

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    clm ~ A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  6. A good time will be had by all and the work everyone has put into getting ready for it will all be worth it!

  7. Your news report made me smile.

    Remind everyone if they practice being good all year, it’s not so hard to do in December, you don’t have to cram all your good into one month.

  8. rosie eye am buzzed happee ewe N dusty are bee comin friendz…itz nice ta haza pal a round …may bee ewe both can cauz trubullz two gether and blame friday !! ๐Ÿ˜‰ โ™ฅโ™ฅ yur ornamintz are way kewl….itz nice oh yur mom two give them aza gift two her guestz โ™ฅโ™ฅโ™ฅ

  9. Your mom isn’t running a sweatshop. I will never believe that. She loves her family and all her kitties. Just saying.

    Thank you for joining the Happy Tuesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Happy Tuesday. Scritches to all the kitties and a big hug to mom. โ™ฅ

  10. Xcellent reeport Rosie! I hope you an Dsuty beecoem guud frendss two!!
    Oh THE BEEG Catmass pawty!! Guud Luck with that!
    Appawently Canada Post iss back to werk…wee did see 1 Postman butt hee did not even stop heer….Wee figure THE backlog will bee HUGE!
    No worry about sendin a card…it will end up in Aussie Land wee think!
    ***nose rubss*** BellaDharma an ((hugss)) BellaSita Mum

  11. Rest up for sure , Rosie. Grammie was probably really concentrating on getting the wrapping done and she didn’t realize what a help you could be. I always appreciate someBODY to hold the wrap so it doesn’t keep curling up. A sweatshop!… HAHAHA. That was an efficient system to get the cards done. A good Gabfest, Rosie. So much going on to make the party fun and festive!

  12. Glad everyone is behaving. Sounds like a busy time at your house. Too bad you can’t help with gift wrapping.

  13. We think your Mom has the best party plans ever. Can we come too? We will help with the ornaments:)

    Woos – Misty and Timber

  14. Charlee: “You sure have a lot of activity going on there right now, Rosie! Are you sure you wouldn’t rather hide under the sofa? That’s what I would do. Although a new soft blankie would be very tempting …”
    Oona: “Oona will offer you a truce if you would like to share a soft blankie for making muffins.”
    Charlee: “Well, maybe …”
    Oona: “PSYCH!” *pounces on Charlee to try to get her to play*

  15. Thank you for the smiles and giggles. I hope your talented mom has a wonderful time and doesn’t stress out before and/or during. Hugs to all and Merry Christmas!

    1. You’re welcome. She is stressed because she has a lot of cleaning to do and she hates cleaning. ๐Ÿ™‚ XO

  16. Hope the party doesn’t stress you out too much! Humans can be pretty difficult to help sometimes.

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