Nosey Rosie’s Gabfest


Hi everyone! It’s that time of year.

The time of year when Mom gets excited about Halloween stuff being in stores.

She has wanted one of these brooms that moves around for a long time, so Grammie bought her one from The Cracker Barrel. As soon as she puts batteries in it, I will make a video.

Some of you have been wondering about Gremmie since his mom, Angel Joanie passed away.

He is besties with Angel Emmy’s monster. The two little orphans have one another and now he doesn’t pester me. Mom had them both on the bed, but she kept getting hurt on his pointy ears, so they are on the chair in the bedroom now.

There was a thunderstorm and our power was out for 4 hours. Mom was not happy. And poor dad had to listen to her complain about our broken generator. It would be nice if he got it repaired. It was getting pretty hot in here without the a/c.

I am thinking of charging a tushy toll. Mom is obsessed with my tushy. She can’t walk by me without touching it. How much should I charge? I am thinking $5 a touch, but that might not be enough. She says I have a JLo tushy, not sure what that is. As long as it is not like Kim Kardassian’s.


I guess that is all I have for this week. It is the calm before the storm when the kids will be here a lot.


We are joining Comedy Plus’ Happy Tuesday Blog Hop.






  1. Oh my, Rosie, that was a very comprehensive report! Sorry to hear about the power outage and glad it’s back on now. We’re glad that Gremmie is doing okay, and has a good place to sit around. You are looking super cute in your pictures! I’ll look forward to seeing that video! XO

  2. Power outs are a pain! Even the short ones.
    I hope your generator gets fixed…or get a new one!! (Hint, Hint…)

    Gremmie and Monster look sweet together…and glad to know they are both safe now.
    Rosie, I think your Mom LOVES you!! Tushies and tummies always make the Moms go gaga, tee=hee!

  3. OMC, we laughed all through breakfast!!! Jlo butt, indeed, haha. And Kim’s…no, no, no. Did she have enhancements, whatever they are? Rosie, you are the BEST nosey-er we know.

  4. Well we’d melt here if we lose power in this heat. Hmm, I like the sound of that Tushy Toll. I’m gonna pass this along to mom so she can start collecting from dad…

  5. MOL…tushies are so tempting, Rosie, so it’s right to ask some dollars for it…MOL…Glad Gremmie has someone to look after now💗 We hope that broom is about to riding…MOL…Hope your dad has made the generator🙏Double Pawkisses for a Happy Day🐾😽💞

  6. Rosie you have a good news about Gremmie. Except for the pointy ears sticking somebody’s bottom. And talking about bottoms yours is definitely very soft and fluffy looking. Can’t wait to see the broom.

  7. Rosie, I’m glad you have a Jlo tushy and not one like KK. It’s nice Gremmie has a friend and is no longer lonely. Power outs are a real pain and always come at the worst time.
    I look forward to seeing the vid with the broom.

  8. Rosie, loved the update on Gremie and as for the toll…you betcha! Go for it, Rosie. But make that a nickel a touch. After all, she is your Mom.

    Mom and I are busting to see that broom in action.

  9. Indeed! Up, up yes: raise that Tushy-Toll … your beauteous and bountiful one is worth far more and better looking than those so called celebrity ladies. Softer too we imagine! Good new home for sweet Gremmie, her happy place now.

  10. Sorry you had a power outage for so long. I’ll bet the generator gets fixed now.

    Always fun gabfests here each Tuesday.

    Thank you for joining the Happy Tuesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Happy Tuesday. Scritches to the kitties and a hug to mom. ♥

  11. Oh dear ~ glad the power is back on ~ and yes get the generator fixed ~ necessary ~

    Sweet tushy ~ irresistable ~ for sure ~ hugs,

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  12. Elsa: awww, Rosie, dontcha know having a nice tush is a good thing. Mine got kind of skinny and now Mom is obsessed with how much I eat. But I’m secretly enjoying the extra calories, but don’t tell her that.

    Wilson: Extra calories…where? Did I miss a meal?

    We’ll look forward to seeing the video of that witch. We’ve been seeing a lot of stores putting out their halloween stuff. Seems early to us, but it’s sorta fun seeing what’s new this year.

  13. Hi Rosie, power outages are the worst. We don’t know what we will do if the power goes out for any length of time. Mom says life is scary these days. We don’t have a whole house generator and Mom doesn’t know how to hook the one we have that may or may not work up. Or even if we still have it. The Man may have taken it when he left.

    1. It is scary when you don’t have one and you live in the country with a well and septic. 🙂 XO

  14. I’m so glad about the Monster and Gremmie.

    Tell your Mom to start saving up that Tushie Toll to pay for the generator. Depending on how often she pets your backside, she might be able to save up faster than your Dad can!

  15. We had a power outage and no internet but can’t remember if it was Monday or Sunday. Good to hear that Emmy’s little Monster and Gremmie are besties.
    Grammie is the best! I am looking forward to the videeoh!
    I don’t think we can fully appreciate your tushy with just a photo, Rosie. But we trust that your Mom likes to give it a pat and that it’s a JLo tushy. That gives it a good vision. I can see that it is a very cute tushy.

  16. Glad the power is back. It’s nice that Gremmie has a friend. Great update Rosie. Hope you get lots of rest before the kids come back and yes, you do have a cute tushy:)

  17. We are chuckling over your tushie story. We love to have Mom pat us on the tushie:). So sorry about the power outage. Tell Dad he needs to get on that broomstick Mom got and fix the generator.

    Woos – Misty and Timber

    1. Thank you. I like it, but I know mom is addicted so I thought I would use the chance to make money. XO

  18. We have a power generator my husband purchased but never started up. ~sigh~ A tushy toll might not be in order; enjoy the appreciation while you can. lol Be well and stay cool, my dear.

  19. Kitty tushies are pretty amazing! Have you seen the portable power stations you can get now? I watch them presented frequently on QVC. Such a wonderful alternative to gas generators. If I could get one I knew would power my sump pump I would buy it in a heartbeat.

  20. hizzzzzzzzzzzzz. thiz iz de thurd time two day.. R commintz R knot postin
    on blogz…..eye am gettin eye rate 🤬🤬🤬.

  21. Chaplin: “I think $5 is a good charge for petting your tushie, Rosie, but you could also tack on a surcharge of a treat or a bit of catnip or maybe play time with a toy.”
    Charlee: “Every once in a while you have a good idea, Chaplin.”
    Chaplin: “Thanks, I think.”
    Oona: “Oona peeps to invite Mama and Dada to pet her tushy every time she sees them go by. She never considered charging for it. Obviously Oona is a better ninja than a businesscat.”

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