Nosey Rosie’s Gabfest


  Rosie, wake up! It is time for your post.

Hi everyone. Sorry about that. I am still recovering from the sleepover. It was tough. Penelope and I had to sleep in the kitchen with Penny so Dusty could sleep with my folks so the girls could have the spare room. Who could sleep though? Mom gave them a walkie talkie to call her if they needed her. Not sure why being that the rooms are right next to each other. And they kept calling her until they conked out at 11 PM. The Great One is growing on me, but Typhoid Mary seems to be missing an off switch and a volume control. And glitter, there was glitter everywhere. Even after mom vacuumed, it is still everywhere.

Now on to the real dirt you are waiting to hear about. Grammie. She was visiting one day and telling me how beautiful my white furs are and how clean I keep them. I figured I would be nice, so I gave her a whole bunch of them to take with her. Well, she didn’t even thank me and she told mom she didn’t want to see me when she visited on the 4th of July. AND she brought over potato salad with real potatoes. Don’t tell The Potato Heads.

I am getting sick of Dusty getting so much attention. Although I do feel bad for her when mom sings Getting to Know You, Getting to Love You to her. I hate it when mom sings Crackling Rosie to me.

Speaking of singing, Brody sang most of the way to his cardiology appointment an hour away. The good news is most of his heart is the same and one part improved. He doesn’t need a recheck for a whole year.

See you next week. I should be well rested for a few weeks because the girls are going to the beach and to a day camp in their town. After that, I have 5 weeks of torture.





  1. Such good news about Brody, Rosie! LOL, sorry that you didn’t get much sleep during the sleepover, though. Glitter everywhere means they probably had a grand time! XO

  2. Oh, Rosie, thanks for telling us the GOOD news about Brodie!

    Wow, real potatoes, eh?? Don’t tell the poor potato heads…they might all faint!
    Sorry that your Grammie didn’t like the souvenirs you so generously gave her.

    I bet that right now your Mom sings better than I do…I have a cold and a voice that cracks and squeaks even if I am not singing! Phooey! At least my covid test was negative.

    1. Thank you. 🙂 Sorry you are sick, we hope you feel better. I am sure you still sound better than my mom. XO

  3. Dearest Rosie,
    That was very good news about Brody, regardless his singing on the way over to the cardiologist.
    Giving furs to Grammie was quite an idea.
    What an idea that walkie talkie and it must have been oh so hard for all of you to get some real REST!
    Mariette + Kitties

  4. OH, good news for Brody and we LOVE that your mama sings to you all…Cracklin’ Rosie is not our fave, either, haha, but maybe La Vie en Rosie!!! And oh my, 5 weeks……..argggh.

  5. Rosie, take those batteries outa the walkie talkies. And talk about playing musical chairs,
    only yers was musical beds!
    I am so furry glad to hear my beau Brody has a good heart and the part not quite right is the
    part that belongs to me. Precious

  6. Rosie, that is great news about Brody. I hope Grammie likes the furs you gave her. MOL. Get some extra naps in for the 5 weeks! We don’t sing to Callie but when we do our fake crying, she comes to us see what’s the matter.

  7. You had a lot of news today! Grammie will want to see you again when she needs more hair!

  8. Maybe find some of that glitter to add to your furs for Grammie. Glitter makes everything better and I’m SURE Grammie would be happy then!

  9. OH my goodness Rosie. This blog you have is packed with things that happened! And the singing! My mom has sung to’s awful. I wonder the sirens in town don’t start sounding!!

  10. Those sleepovers are hard on everyone but the kids. Thanks for sharing Brody’s health report. That’s good mews about his heart. I hope you get rested up before the girls return for their next visit. 🙂

  11. Great news about Brody. Doing the happy dance.

    I laughed about all that glitter. I so remember the very same thing.

    On the cat hair. We have that issue here too.

    Thank you for joining the Happy Tuesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Happy Tuesday, Rosie. Scritches to all the kitties and a big hug to mom. ♥

  12. brody…itz buzzed happee eye am for ewe dood ‼️‼️😺 yay and tripull hooray for that grate ree port….N rosie….how long bee for de poe tay toe headz figure out they haz mizzin kin ‼️‼️‼️🙀😺😺😺🐟💙💚

  13. Oh Rosie ~ you are a sweet snoozy kitty ~ fireworks is what wore me and my Mom out ~ Great news about Brody ~ hugs to all ~

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  14. Got message ~ page isn’t working so this may be a duplicate ~
    Rosie ~ you are one sweet snoozy kitty ~ great photos of you ~ Glad to hear good news about Brody ~ hugs to all ~

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  15. Mercy, Rosie, are you sure Grammie said that? She didn’t want to see you? This doesn’t make much sense to me. Maybe she just didn’t want you on her lap because your hair wouldn’t match her outfit.

    Just as The Great One is growing and getting to be easier for you to be around, the same will happen with Typhoid Mary, just wait and see.

    Thanks for the update on Brody.

  16. Great news on Brody. And we can just imagine the glitter mess. It seems to hide everywhere. Grammie wouldn’t like to visit us because we love to leave our furs everywhere:)

    Woos – Misty and Timber

  17. Hi Rosie! It’s nice to meet you. Boy, I’m glad there’s only 2 humans that live here with me. Any more and I’d probably ask them to take me back to the shelter! Just kidding… ~Murphy

  18. It’s nice you’ll have a few weeks to rest, Rosie. So glad Brody’s vet visit was good. Thanks for the update.

  19. I missed this yesterday! I mean, how could I? I don’t know. ROSIE, you have certainly found your voice! And it has a lot to say. This post had me smiling and then laughing and then it was like a little mini Rosie Rant in all the best ways… and THEN you carried it over in the comments and I am laughing as I type!!!
    Typhoid Mary… “missing an off switch and a volume control”…. I think I have that issue too. Grammie with the potato salad… she did a good thing, I bet Grammie’s tater salad is delicious. Don’t tell the Potato Heads is right. We fell off the support wagon for the Potato Heads and had french fries Monday… shhhhhh! I can’t imagine Grammie not wanting to see you. You must have heard that wrong! Your Mom singing! So thankful for the good news about Brody♥ Well, I better rein this comment in. I loved this today,Rosie♥

    1. Glad you got a smile. I didn’t hear it wrong, she really didn’t want me in the kitchen. XO

  20. Charlee: “Whew, that sounds like a rough time for all of you. I had to go to the vet last week and I sang the whole way there too, just like Brodie! We sing the song of the people, and the lyrics go, ‘Take me home now!!!'”
    Chaplin: “It sounds like we misread ‘Grammie’ as ‘Gremmie’ for who you were annoyed at. Please give Gremmie our apologies!”

  21. Glad to hear Brody is doing better. We agree that small children are way too LOUD!

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