Nosey Rosie’s Gabfest


Hi everyone! It’s me Rosie.

Could you tell with my shades? I am working on a disguise for when the girls sleep over next week. I am sure I can hide better than Penelope.

This is how she hid when they were here last week.

They didn’t bother her though. They had Friday, Rusty, Rudy and Dusty to play with. Yup, Dusty likes kids.

The girls made these fun wind-up toys.


The Great One made her strawberry jam. Mom helped with the hot parts, but she did all the cutting and measuring and decorating the jars. They saw a lot of patients too. And I know the girls didn’t have COVID because they tested themselves. Mom gave them all the expired test kits to use on the stuffed animals and after testing some of them, they decided to test themselves. None of the stuffed animals had COVID either. I am sure glad they didn’t want to test us kitties.

Brody had his checkup. His ears are all clear now. Next Tuesday is his follow up echocardiogram to make sure his meds are helping.

See you in two weeks. Next week Penny will be here with money saving tips for you. And the Beasty Boys will be showing of their aviators tomorrow.



  1. Ahahaha, 😎 cool way to hide, Penelope! Sounds like a fun time with the girls for at least some kitties! Rosie, you’re still lookin’ smooth in those shades! XO

  2. Oh, we laughed at that Penelope, hiding….and oh, to have some of that jam on our tuna…er…toast. So glad no one has the C word. New vaccine in November against the new FLIRT virus. Funny they named it that! Thank heaven no test for KITTIES!

  3. Rosie, it sounds like you really will have to be best Pals with Dusty. So that you can always encourage her to play with the two children. And we are so glad to hear that Brody’s ears are all cleared up. Precious is ears are better from taking that allergy pill. Evidently these two kitties have something in common don’t they?

  4. OH gosh, mom hasn’t made homemade jam in a l-o-n-g time! She made pear preserves the last time she made anything and that was quite a time ago. So glad the girls held their Clinic and that no one had anything! WHEW!!

  5. Rosie, you’re a cool cat in those shades! Penelope is very clever with her hiding. Good for The Great One making strawberry jam with a little help from your mom.

  6. Good news about the lack of covid cases there! Rosie, I’d like to think I’d know you anywhere. Good news with Brody’s ears and fingers crossed for a good report on his echo.
    The Beasty Boys in aviator sungalsses? I’m excited to see them. SSNS still wears his military aviator sunglasses. Well, not his old ones… he keeps having to purchase new πŸ™‚

  7. Haha, Penelope goes by the thinking that if she does not see themβ€”they can’t see her either!
    Rosie you look cool with your sunglasses and what a games with the kids and kitties.
    Mariette + Kitties

  8. rosie ewe R total lee rockin yur shadez πŸ’–πŸ’–β€ΌοΈ eye am buzzed happee for ewe brody, pawz crozzed for next week, and yay for noe viruZZZ πŸ˜ΊπŸ˜Ίβ€ΌοΈπŸŸπŸ’™πŸ’š

  9. Love your shades. You look very cool.

    Not the best hiding spot, but it worked.

    I’m glad no one had Covid. You made me chuckle.

    Thank you for joining the Happy Tuesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Happy Tuesday, Ellen. Scritches to all the kitties. XO β™₯

  10. Your shades do give you a mysterious look! Penelope seems to have found a cozy spot for hiding, though not too successfully. It’s great that Dusty enjoys playing with the kids and that they had fun making wind-up toys together! Read my new post.

  11. I think you can stand down from hiding when the girls show up, if they only play with the kitties who like them and ignore those who don’t, you are safe.

    Thanks for the news, I’m glad Brody is all clear and hope the Beasty Boys haven’t been too beastly lately.

  12. Rosie, you’re such a hearty girl, you can make it through anything, even if it’s by disguising yourself so the little ones won’t recognize you!

  13. You found a great and styllish way to hide, Rosie. Good luck to Brody with his tests, we hope all is good.

    Woos – Misty and Timber

  14. Yore rockin THE shadess Rosie! Penelope wee did not see you (furry much). Yoe cammyflauge werked tho’!
    HURRAH fore THE Grate One an Tye-foid Mary doin cookin an craftss! Soundss like alot of fun Aunty Ellen.
    Wee so happy Brody iss doin bettur two!
    **nose kissess** BellaDharma an {{{huggiess}}} BellaSita Mum

  15. Charlee: “Dusty likes kids? This is excellent news, Rosie! You have somebody to run interference for you while you, uh, work on your hiding skills a little maybe …”

  16. Thanks for all the news Rosie. Been looking forward to seeing the boys in their shades. XOCK, angels Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta & Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy, Sawyer, Kizmet, Audrey & Raleigh

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