Nosey Rosie’s Gabfest

Hi everyone! Aren’t these peonies pretty? Not as pretty as me, but still pretty.


I have been super busy since I wrote my post last week. As you know, the girls were here. UGH! Actually, they weren’t quite as loud as usual. Mom is smartening up and n0t giving them much for sweets until right before they leave. They worked on Father’s Day gifts then went for a walk. I guess the stuffed animal clinic was closed for the holiday because they didn’t see any patients. Now I get a few weeks off until school gets out then it is back to hiding.

Penelope is my new bestie. When she is around, I am safe. Friday attacked me the other day when Penelope wasn’t in the room.  All Penelope does is raise her paw and all the cats go running.

Brody’s appointment is this afternoon for his blood pressure check. Rumor has it that Penelope and I are next up to go for checkups and rabies shots.

Dad and mom are getting their bloods stolen on Wednesday morning. Then they have eye exams on Thursday morning. Dad is afraid he is going to have to have his cataracts removed whatever that is.

Grammie came over on Sunday for a BBQ. Well, Dad bbq’s the food, but they eat indoors because Grammie and Mom don’t like outside. Mom made Grammie play Yeti in Spaghetti with her. I still play cribbage with my folks every night. I was going to taste the red peg, but they stopped me.

Mom did go outside for a while today to help plant 150 onions and some lettuce.

Well, that is all I have for this week.

Don’t forget to take some time to smell the flowers.


We are joining Comedy Plus’ Happy Tuesday Blog Hop





  1. You and the flowers are both gorgeous, Rosie! It’s good that you and Penelope are pals! Sounds like lots of vet and doc visits happening, but, that’s often just the way things go. XO

  2. Oh, what a post. LOVE the ‘stolen blood’ haha. And hurrah for a bestie like Penelope. She ROCKS. Love the onion planting…mama is not at her/my garden and she should be planting now in Collioure but she did start some little tomatoes in Rome…good luck, mama.

  3. Hopefully all the vet and doc visits will go well. Cataract surgery these days is not anything like many years ago…
    Those peonies are gorgeous, but then so are you, Rosie. I hope Friday stops bothering you, but Penelope is a good pal and body guard!

    1. Thank you. That seems to be everyone’s opinion. of cataracts’ surgery. XO

  4. Those peonies are lovely. I am glad you and Penelope are friends and she is protecting you from Friday.
    Tell your dad not to be afraid of the cataract operations. Ivor had one done last September and the other done in February. He says it is the best thing he has had done and looks out of the window every morning and out over the hills because he can see everything now.

  5. Dear Rosie, we are so glad to hear that you and Penelope are best friends and she’s keeping an eye out for your welfare. Wow, all these doctor appointments for everybody in the family practically. We know good and will but will be thinking very hard on good old Brody and Precious does say he could come and visit anytime he wants. Tell your mom we Envy her veggie garden.

    1. Thank you. Brody would love to see Precious, but he is not a fan of travel. 🙂 XO

  6. Wow, Rosie! That is a lot of good gossip. I am glad Penelope and you have become pals. You need someone on your side. I hope all goes well with the vet and doctor’s appointments.

  7. MY goodness…nowadays with the laser removing cataracts, it’s very quick. Your Dad will just have to use eye drops for a few weeks before and after. Rosie, as always you are gorgeous! Penelope…what a good girl you are.
    The girls will be busy what with their clinic closed at this time, things will pile up and more patients will have to be seen.
    Brody! Let us know how you are.

  8. Tell your dad not to worry about cataract surgery. It’s not bad these days. Quick and back to normal fast. Hope everyone’s blood is red! 🙂

  9. rosie de flowerz R prette but ewe R gorgeouz 🌸🌸 sew….eye reed
    that mom had time ta plant 10,500 onionz…and rabbit cuisine….but
    NOE cat grazz…ore fresh leaf nip……her shuld feel shame ful😼😺

    1. Thank you. We have plenty of nip growing. She should plant us some indoor grass though. XO

  10. Pretty flowers. Prettier Rosie.

    Tell your dad that getting the cataract surgery is an easy thing and he’ll be surprised how well he can see. I’ve had both eyes done. No pain either.

    Thank you for joining the Happy Tuesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Happy Tuesday, Ellen. Scritches to all the kitties and a hug to mom. ♥

  11. Oona: “Good work protecting Rosie, Penelope! It sounds like you are a ninja just like Oona!”
    Java Bean: “Ayyy, I always like to stop and smell the flowers! And by smell I mean—”
    Lulu: “We always know what you mean when you talk about stopping by any sort of plant or other vertical surface.”
    Charlee: “Dada had to go get his eye checked because he has one of those cataracts! I’m not sure what he’s doing horsing around with cats other than me but anyway they said it wasn’t affecting his vision yet so they are going to leave it. They just needed to look around it so they could check his retinas, which are fine.”

  12. So Penelope is not going to let any pushing around of The Meowing Crew go on! Good girl, Penelope. Wishing Brody good numbers for his BP check♥
    Rosie, your Dad will be so happy to get rid of those cataracts… trust me! The four times a day drops for four weeks is the worst part. The amount of drops goes down each week. Likely it could be different.
    The peonies are beautiful… I miss our peonies!
    Well done, Rosie! Lots of news about the Meowing Crew and their Peeps!

    1. Thank you. His bp is fine. Mom hopes she won’t have to help with the drops. xO

  13. Rosie what a lot of news…..good wishes for vet appts. and blood stealing.
    Cat OR ract surgery has improved but all the drops can be a PITT.
    I’m very thankful Penelope is your protector.
    Hugs to you all and you are the 2nd blog with Peonies on it today.

  14. That’s a beautiful picture of you and the flowers, Rosie. We’re glad Penelope takes care of you, so that Friday doesn’t hurt you anymore. Double Pawkisses for all of you and hope that effurrything is going to be fine for your dad’s eyes🐾😽💞

  15. It sounds like you had a very busy week, Rosie. We love the peonies – Mom does too. She says your Mom is right about holding off on the sweets as they can really amp up the activity level. Yay for Penelope, nice to have your own protector. As for cataracts, our Mom is scheduled to have hers done in a couple of weeks. She is nervous about it but knows it is time.

    Woos – Misty and Timber

  16. Oh Rosie ~ sweet photos of you with the peonies ~ and what a gab fest ~ do hope Dad and Mom will be okay and no cataract surgery ~ you do well keeping safe too ~ hugs,

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  17. That was a very thorough update, Rosie! I’m glad that Penelope is watching out for you.

  18. The flowers are beautiful and you are beautiful.

    I’m glad for Penelope. Friday must be missing her sister, maybe she will settle down about it soon. Grieving animals can express themselves in very different ways.

  19. I always look forward to your gossip. 😀 Our home’s former owners planted peonies on the house’s north side and they’re still blooming since we moved here in 1994 (!) as are the two remaining vintage rose bushes. Best wishes on everyone’s checkups. Hugs to you and yours, my dear.

    1. Thank you. Glad they are still blooming. The white ones we have were planted by dad’s mother , she passed in 1974 so they are very old. XO

  20. Rosie, thanks for the update. The flowers are beautiful and so are you. Sorry to hear Friday attacked you again. I’m glad you have Penelope for protection. Hope everyone’s vet and dr. appointments go well.

  21. Things have been busy at your house! Dad had cataracts surgery on both eyes last summer and it was a piece of cake. (And nothing goes easy for him, so that’s really saying something!)

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