It’s Monday! What Are YOU Reading?


Hi everyone! We are joining Comedy Plus’ Awww….Mondays and Book Date’s It’s Monday What are YOU Reading?

Joanie and Emmy are posing with a book I just finished reading.

The Christmas Movie Cookbook by Julia Rutland is the perfect book to get you in the Christmas Spirit.  The book gives you a synopsis of a Christmas film and a recipe to go with it that somehow connects to the movie. I was thrilled to see an egg nog recipe to go with my favorite Christmas movie- The Family Man ( Nicolas Cage stars).  The book included all my favorites: Home Alone 1 and 2, While You Were Sleeping, Scrooge and Scrooged.

I also ended up with a list of movies I had not heard of that I am looking forward to seeing now. Has anyone seen Get Santa ( 2014), This Christmas (2007), Feast of the Seven Fishes or The Christmas Chronicles?


Emmy is getting a checkup Tuesday to see if she has any fluid buildup around her heart so please keep her in your prayers.

And we want to give our condolences to Tuiren’s family, To visit, click here. 


  1. A nice premise for a book! Hadn’t heard of those movies. We’ll be purring for Emmy’s check up. We’re very sorry to hear about the loss of Tuiren. XO

  2. Last night I finished reading If You Rescue Me by Jerusha Agen and I’m getting ready to start another book tonight and it’s called Forced To Hide by Terri Reed

  3. No nose not Tuiren!! Wee not know hum well butt wee liked him ALOT Aunty Ellen…
    That Catmeass book soundss like alot of fun to reed…..
    uess what? BellaSita finished “THE Girl On THE Train” bye Miss Paula Hawkinss…this iss her 1st book an it was speck-taculur! It iss furry seereuss an deep an a murder mystery….BellaSita DID figure out 3/4’ss of THE way thru who THE murderer was….shee iss gettin guud at this 😉
    Shee just started “Yourss Faithfully” bye Miss Sheila O’Flanagan… iss a purrty thick book so that shyyd keep her busy fore a while!! 😉
    Wishin efurryone a guud week! POTP an purrayerss fore deer Emmy <3 <3
    ***nose kissess*** BellaDharma an {{huggiess}} BellaSita Mum

    1. Is The Girl on the Train the same one there a film about? I saw it and it was excellent.
      Thank you for the POTP for Emmy. I hope you and your mum have a good week too. XO

  4. We certainly hope Emmy is doing well with the fluid buildup staying “at bay”……we’re not familiar with any of those holiday movies but my Mom and Dad have a collection of movies that they watch EVERY Christmas!

    Hugs, Teddy

  5. Reading is getting so hard for us, more each day (so tires our eyes) … right now though BECOMING is on the nightstand, along with DUNE and a very old and fascinating book/magazine called Lapham’s Quarterly “ANIMALS”.

  6. Emmy is in my prayers♥ I am reading The Untethered Soul; it’s a self-help book. I’m finding it interesting. I have not seen any of those movies but SSNS and I are always looking for Christmas movies. I will be checking out your suggestions.

  7. What a fun book. I know how you love Christmas movies. I’m sure we’ll hear about the new movies you’ll see.

    So sorry about Tuiren. I went over and payed my respects.

    Fingers and toes crossed for Emmy.

    Thank you for joining the Awww Mondays Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Awww Monday and week, Ellen. Scritches to all the kitties. xo ♥

  8. Charlee: “Our Dada finally finished that 1,000-page ‘Words of Radiance’ book and now he’s reading another 1,000-pager, this time a steampunk omnibus called ‘Magnificent Devices’.”
    Java Bean: “¿Qué es un omnibus?”
    Charlee: “It’s a that’s a bunch of other books collected into one book.”
    Java Bean: “Oh, okay. I thought maybe we were going for a ride somewhere.”
    Chaplin: “We Hipsters send lots of purrs for a good report on Emmy!”
    Lulu: “And we dogs send lots of tail wags!”

  9. The cookbook sounds interesting. I have seen very few Christmas movies but new recipes are always fun. Come see my week here. Happy reading!

  10. What a fun recipe book! I love all things Christmas movies, music, and more! I can’t believe the holidays are upon us again. How did that happen? I hope Emmy’s appointment goes well tomorrow. Pawryers to the Tuiren’s family. Have a boogietastic week, dear furriend!

  11. That looks like a really nice book. Perfect for this time of year. I’m reading a mystery novel at this time. It has me quite engaged. Wishing Emmy well! xo

  12. We are reading the Sunday Comics. We love ‘Mutts’ and ‘Pickles’ because of the cats. TBT loves weird ones. We don’t get “Doonesbury’ or ‘Frazz’ at all, but he seems to.

  13. Oh, Emmy , you are in our hearts and powerful thoughts to keep you healthy, sorry you have that long drive…I am not good at all in the car. Mama is reading the third book from the author of The Thursday Murder Club. Cannot put it down…..hilarious, brilliant writing.

  14. That sounds like an interesting cookbook. I am reading The Fight of Our Lives by Iuliia Mendel. It is about Ukraine and President Zelenskyy and their fight with Russia, written by Zelenskyy’s former press secretary. So far it is very interesting.

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