It’s Monday! What Are You Reading?

Hi everyone! We are joining 2 hops today plus I have some great deals to tell you about.

First off, we are joining Comedy Plus for Awww…Mondays.

DSCF1302 (2) Another Brody sighting. He is really starting to catch on, he doesn’t run as fast through the room- I think that was startling everyone. Plus he investigates things, last night he climbed Phoebe’s pole and was walking along the curtain rod. I tried to get a photo, but he got down too quickly. He was watching Joanie sit on my lap so maybe someday he will realize that can be fun.

And for The Book Date’s It’s Monday! What Are You Reading? I am reading Love The House You’re In by Page Rien. I was getting depressed watching Flip or Flop, knowing I could never make such big changes to my home, this book made me appreciate what I have and find ways to make our home reflect all we love. Being that it is filled with cats, I have that part covered.Β  badge

Now for those deals. I know many of you were interested in the book, Yarned and Dangerous by Sadie Hartwell. She commented yesterday to let us know the Kindle is version is on sale for $2.99. Here is the link.

And for those of you that want some high quality nip ( blends contain silvervine and valerian) from Cat-A-Bliss on Etsy, you can get 10% off for the rest of the month by using the code: 15ANDMEOWING

Phoebe couldn’t get into our latest delivery fast enough ( she may have a nip problem)



  1. Wow, Phoebe, what an exciting nip session. I bet you took a good nap after that. It’s so nice to see Brody emerging.

  2. Whoa! That was quite a nip session, Phoebe!

    My human just finished the first book in the latest Warriors series by Erin Hunter. She’s read all the books in the main series, and many of the special editions

  3. How funny that Phoebe has a nip problem. Hee Hee Don’t all cats have a nip problem? I know mine go crazy with it.

  4. Wow! that Phoebe is something! She may have to attend a meeting of CC – Catnip Crazy! I think Brody and MerryBelle are communicating somehow and are planning their dual emergence. She is also walking a little slower through the house and made eye contact yesterday for several minutes, several times, but, alas still no photos! And BobbieSue has started reading Tales Dark and Grimm by Adam Gidwitz. Pawkissed!!

    1. I am glad MerryBelle is adjusting, her transition is quicker than his. I love the tv show Grimm, I wonder if it is like that. XO

  5. Reading? We don’t have time for reading it seems……whatever happened to being retired and having leisure time?!?!?! HAHAHA Anyway, we are thrilled to see another picture of the cute Mr. Brody. He’s feeling more relaxed there I think……as everyone gets used to having him around and not so “invisible” maybe he will be friends with some of the cats SOON. At least he’s exploring his new home more – that’s GREAT! Happy Monday!

    Love, Sammy

    1. Your Sammy keeps you busy with his activities so no time to read. Brody slept in the living room last night- big step there. XO

  6. So many great things in this post! I’m so glad Brody is coming out more and catching on to how things work at your house. He’s making such great progress! And my goodness, Phoebe, that was quite a nip session! Purrs to all!

    1. That is good nip, we highly recommend it. I am pleased to see progress with Brody- finally.

  7. Brody is certainly cute! What did Phoebe think about him checking out her pole?

    As per what I’m reading – it has nothing to do with cats, but is very interesting: Supernormal by Dean Radin which suggests that specific ancient claims about extraordinary psychic abilities are real, and how they have been confirmed by an outpouring of ingenious experiments whose statistical power is simply galactic…. in other words, something which I hope to inspire me to stretch more AND to utilize as fodder for my fantasy novels πŸ˜‰

    1. That does sound like a great book. I do believe some people are gifted with psychic abilities.

  8. My cats and I will soon be reading and reviewing a review copy of The True Tails of Baker and Tayler (The Library Cats Who Left Their Pawprints on a Small Town…and the World) that we recently received.

  9. I gotta say kitties with nip problem are happy kitties πŸ™‚
    And home filled with kitties are the best homes! Happy Monday!

  10. Oh me cats and kittens Phoebe…You go girl. MOL Dat stuff must be amazin’. And we’s so glad Brody’s gettin’ braver and braver.

    Luv ya’


  11. Mee precious buttercup that lookss like a lot of fun! Mee tried all thee Valerian an Silvervine an mee had NO reeackshun???? Mee iss a strange kittyboy!
    So tell Lady Ellen yur enjoyin thee ‘nip fur two ok??? πŸ˜‰
    As fur what LadyMum iss readin….shee iss readin a murder mystery titulled “Deja Dead” by a woman named Kathy Reichs. Shee sorta ritess like Patirica Cornwell butt not quite as fluid as LadyMum wood like. Thee story iss set inn Montral, Quebec so it iss kewl to read a Canadian mystery.
    An wee has peeked at thee “Oscar” book butt that doess not count rite? Mew mew mew….
    ***paw kissesss*** yur well read Purrince, Siddhartha Henry xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

    1. I know your Mum will enjoy the Oscar book.Sorry you don’t enjoy the nip – I will have your share πŸ™‚ XO and paw kisses

  12. brody….we iz buzzed happee ta lurn yur out N a bout !!!! thiz iz total lee awesum nooz ….we N joyed see in yur foto two day two !!!! way kewl…N speekin oh way kewl, phoebe….we gived yur moovee 984 paws up for actshun ~~~~~ πŸ™‚ β™₯β™₯β™₯

  13. Oh I like the sound of Love the House You Are In, it is so expensive to move house these days so it is a good idea to stay put. I have lots of little things to do to make mine more me, but… I also like to do other things as well. Me thinks I procrastinate.

    1. We are never moving so I best love the house I am in- as long as my kitties are here, I will.

  14. WOW ! Phoebe your heart must be in pretty good shape because that video looks like it was speeded up ! So glad Brody is moving more slowly. We are always reading 3 books at a time. Slowly.

    1. I read at least 3 at a time, usually more. I love to read. Phoebe was very fast in that video- she wanted that nip opened.

  15. Wow, Phoebe, you have got some skills showing there! Are you a nip head? MOL! I am finishing up John Sandford’s latest, Extreme Prey. It’s very good! I wanted to finish it last night, but I had to finally go to bed.

    1. It stinks when you have to go to bed to get up early the next day and can’t finish your book. Phoebe is a nip head πŸ™‚

  16. We’re glad Brody is coming around and realizing it’s safe to play it cool instead of streak through a room! We hope he becomes friends with everykitty soon!

  17. I am currently reading ‘Relentless’ by Dean Koontz. What a cute cat. Now, I’ve been wondering something, why is your blog called 15 and Meowing? Because you’re 15 or you have 15 kitties? Thank you for the blog comments you’ve been giving me, I’m sorry I don’t comment often….I am a very busy person. Cool blog! πŸ™‚

    1. When I started the blog 2 years ago, I have 15 cats, but in the past 8 months, 3 have gone to The Bridge πŸ™ And somewhere in that time, I adopted a feral. Thank you for commenting.

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