Hopping Saturday

Hi everyone! We are joining one hop and a parade today. For Athena’s Caturday Blog Hop I finally found a place to make coloring pages, but I couldn’t copy it into here so this is the link:


The photo I used to make it was this:Β Β Β  001

I can’t believe how relaxing coloring is. The other night, I even got my husband to color a page and he liked it. Real men not only love cats, they color too.

Caturday Art

We are also joining Rascal and Rocco’s Parade:

Celebrate winter time with the pet parade, where all your favorite pets and animals can be found

Phoebe is starting a giveaway tomorrow.


  1. We have read that adult Beins are liking coloring. TBT says he would use color pencils and smooth the colors with a tissue. But that all seems weerd ta US!

  2. How fun! Humans, I think, forget how fun it is to work with their hands sometimes. My breed of cat is very “handy,” and if we had thumbs we’d probably color too!

  3. OH, I love coloring! My friend showed me those adult coloring books, and I admit that I thought she was crazy…. but then I colored the whole evening, and I’m about buying my own colorbook.

  4. Cool about the coloring!! My Mom still paints/draws occasionally although she doesn’t do oil paintings any longer and she has always found it to be relaxing……kind of takes you to another world for a while which is sometimes VERY nice to do!!!!

    Hugs, Sammy

  5. Those adult colouring books were pretty popular at Christmas here too πŸ™‚
    Thank you for the link.
    You look lovely as usual Phoebe πŸ™‚
    Purrs Georgia and Julie,
    Treasure and JJ

  6. LadyMum luvss to color Purrincess Phoebe!! Mee wishes wee had a printer so mee could print offa pickture of you an then LadyMum could color you fur mee πŸ˜‰
    Yur so beeuteefull mee sweet buttercup……
    ***paw kissesss*** an ~~tummy tickullsss~~
    Siddhartha Henry xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

    1. We couldn’t figure out how to print one out either- phooey! Paw kisses and tummy tickles to you too.

  7. Phoebe, that is the coolest thing ever. Mom has bookmarked the page so she can try it. She loves to color. Thanks for sharing. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

    1. I can’t make them print though and I wanted to color it myself with colored pencils not on the computer.

    1. Any hobby is relaxing if it is something you want to do. I find just being with my cats relaxing.

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