Guest Post Friday-Welcome Back Maggie

Happy Friday everyone! We are fortunate to have Maggie back to write a guest post for us. First off though it the a-z blogging challenge. Today is the letter I :  My word for the day is Inquisitive and that is definitely a word to describe all cats. 012They have to check out every box and bag brought into the house. Now on to our guest:

Hello, everyone, Maggie here once again!  Today I’m going to share two happy stories and one cat legend to celebrate some very lucky maritime felines!

The illustrations that follow are courtesy of the National Maritime Museum in Great Britain.  As you all probably know, the British Navy kept meticulous records of its war and peacetime voyages, and many of their ships’ crew members kept journals and sketchbooks which recorded amusing and endearing facts about their ships’ mascots.

Many other national Navies and merchant ships also kept good records, and the Museum of Maritime Pets has gathered much of that material into a central clearing house.  Felix Cat Scout and I are very lucky to help our mom with researching new and old stories about seafaring kitties throughout the ages!

One very famous maritime cat hero was Oscar, a tuxedo who originally shipped out on the German battleship Bismarck, which was sunk in 1941.  The British destroyer HMS Cossack rescued Oscar and some of his shipmates, but Cossack was sunk herself soon thereafter.  The surviving crew, including Oscar, were transferred to the British aircraft carrier Ark Royal, which was then also torpedoed!  Oscar ended up on a floating plank of wood, to be rescued yet another time.  He became famous as a “bad omen,” so could not find another ship to join up with.  Luckily for him, he spent his remaining days at a Sailors’ Home in Belfast, Northern Ireland.  Talk about nine lives!

     Oscar awaiting one of his rescues.  G.S. Baker

Jimmy, owned by an Australian soldier who was wounded in WWI and could no longer care for him, was adopted by a British Navy cook serving on the battleship HMS King George V.  Jimmy’s ship belonged to a large fleet taking part in the Battle of Jutland in 1916.  During that battle, Jimmy was wounded by shrapnel, and was transferred several months later to the battle cruiser HMS Renown, where he preferred to hang out in the galley rather than on deck!

Jimmy later moved to a Cats’ Home in Chelsea, Great Britain, and lived peacefully until 1924.

Jimmy at leisure.  G.S. Baker          

And, now a little tidbit about ships’ legends and lore.  Many seamen believe that cats have a sixth sense about impending danger, changes in the weather and other important matters affecting safety and harmony aboard ship.  You all know about the Titanic, which sank on her maiden voyage from Britain to New York in 1912.  Stories surfaced after the tragedy that a cat and her kittens had sailed with the ship from Belfast to Southampton, but they disembarked prior to the final leg of the journey.

What do you think caused mama cat to do that?


  1. WOW! What an amazing story about Oscar! He sounds like a brave kitty for sure. We enjoyed reading about him, thanks for sharing, Maggie!
    Phoebe and family, we have nominated you for two blogging awards. Please visit our post tomorrow to see them!

    1. Yes, and we think about all the wonderful cat stories that no one has recorded! We can only imagine the cats and their stories throughout the centuries, going back 3000 years!!

  2. Cats are super duper sensitive to weather and “impending doom” as well……Sam knew about the earthquake we had here AND the tornado we had here WELL before we knew. I think they’re just more sensitive to the barometer for one but I also think they have a bit of “psychic” ability (like the Mom cat who exited the Titanic before it made the ill-fated voyage!!!!).


    1. You have had an earthquake and a tornado-yikes! I think they do have psychic ability too.

    2. Hi, Sammy and Pam, YOU are so right on! Yes, we remember the annoying “de recho” and other natural events we’ve had here in the DC area. Very frightening and sobering! No question that kitties and doggies (let’s give THEM credit) feel stuff before we humans do!

    1. Thank you to your Mum and you for the pretty song- very apropriate for the sea cats 🙂 XOXO

  3. meowlz two ewe phoebe & crew…hope de box contained sum treasurez ♥♥

    ~~~~~ waves to maggie …thanx for sharin yur guest post two day…we loved theze storeez N reel lee like de storee bout mama kitty…purrhaps her …just new ….sum thing wuz a miss ???

    heerz two a largemouth bass lined sole kinda week oh end ♥♥♥

    1. The box had a big fishy- just kidding, it had the bed we won 🙂 Hope you have a great weekend too. 🙂

    1. Aw, Dezi and Lexi, So glad you enjoyed the stories, ladies! You rock, and Felix and I are so hoping that Lexi continues to thrive and feel better! XO Salutes!

  4. Wow, that was certainly fascinating, Maggie! Thank you for sharing about Oscar and Jimmy with us. And it makes purrfect sense that cats make sailing the seas better. After all, EVERYTHING is better with cats. 🙂

    1. I had no idea about these sea cats until Maggie and Felix started guest writing for us.

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