Hi everyone. Time for the fill-ins. I came up with the first two sentences and my wonderful co-host, Lorianne of Four-Legged Furballs came up with the second two. If you didn’t do a post for them, you can also answer in the comment section. Thank you to all who participate. Don’t forget to add your link to the hop so everyone can visit you. The link is open until Wednesday night.
3. _________ was when I realized _________.
3. After about one year with my first cat, KaChoo, was when I realized I didn’t want kids. I knew I would never be willing to part with her if I had a kid that was allergic. It drives me crazy when people give up pets because of “allergies”.
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Joanie will always be in your heart. ❤️
1. Sad stories of any kindis my kryptonite. They almost always make me shed tears.
2.My all purpose shovel is the thing I misplace the most often. (I use it to work in the yard, pick up after my dogs and even to break up icy chunks of snow. Sometimes when I am picking up branches I put it down, and then can’t find it back, or I leave it outside…its actually a very small long bladed shovel which is supposed to help dig holes for poles. LOL!!)
3.1972 was when I realized I couldn’t be a real musician, so I decided to be a nurse, but I did keep on with music, even now its a major hobby to listen to it as much as I can…and I still do work in the nursing field, so it must have been what I was supposed to be doing.
4. I wish I had learned about a LOT of things sooner. Story of my life!! (Hindsight is sweet, right?!)
Great fill ins. What a sweet pic of Angel Joanie.
Adorable picture of Angel Joanie! XO
Oh, Joanie, we miss you, too! Such a sweetie. And I think your kitties are your ANTI-kryptonite (after having made a mistake about it and then looked it up)…kryptonite took away Superman’s powers and your kitties GIVE you power!!! SO that’s why you are so powerful and creative! We kitties are a strong tonic, haha
That photo of sweet Angel Joanie is so adorable……you have had so many precious kitties who were lucky enough to become family members over the years. The fill-ins were extra fun this time around….and still my favorite HOP!!!!
Hugs, Pam
Angel Jonie definitely a cutie. I’m so grateful my grandmother taught me to crochet when I was only 6 or 7 years old and we started out making doilies from the very beginning. I don’t have any children either. I do know people give up their pets for a lot of different reasons and I don’t always agree with those reasons.
A very sweet pic of Angel Joanie. I never had kids and cats have always been my fur babies. I wish I had learned a lot of things sooner, but I feel there is a reason why we learn things a little at time.
You’re the best momma of the world, Ellen. Kitties are humans too, they only wear another suit😻Sweet Angel Joanie❤️Double Pawkisses for a Happy Furriday to all of you🐾😽💞
Great fill ins, and a lovely flashback of Angel Joanie.
Precious Angel Joanie. I will always remember her, She is still loved within her family just as deeply as she was when she was still with you. Bless her.
I read Ingrid’s Fill-Ins…and I will say right here I LOVE this hop best of any! And her first one could have been mine. I am deeply affected by sad happenings. And those are many. Any animal is much loved by me. I can’t bear anything bad happening to them. They are my kryptonite. The same for any helpless person as well.
So nice to see Angel Joanie. She is missed by many.
Angel Joanie was so pretty. Mom had a similar answer to #1 and the same for #2!
Charlee: “Awww, we think cats are your superpower!”
Chaplin: “Our Mama misplaces her phone all the time too. Fortunately she can just tap on her watch and make her phone tell her where it is. I think she would like it if that worked on us cats for when we disappear …”
Got to admit to loving cats so much that they are a seriously huge part of my life, also.
1. Ice cream and Cheetos is my kryptonite.
2. My mind is the thing I misplace the most often.
3. 1990 was when I realized Zane loved me as much as I loved him.
4. I wish I had learned to listen better sooner.
Thank you for co-hosting the Friendly Fill-Ins.
Have a fabulous day and weekend, Ellen. Big hug to you and lots of scritches to the kitties. ♥
joanie…help yur mom keep an eye on her cell ewe lar dee vize…thatz knot sum thin
her wantz ta get inta de wrong ..handz…yez, de food gurl iz para noid 🙀‼️😺💙🐟
Great fill ins Ellen, Joanie was such a beautiful lady cat. Hugs Cecilia