Friendly Fill-Ins Week 454


Hi everyone. Before we get started, we want to give our condolences to sweet Zeke’s dad. To visit, click here. 


Time for the fill-ins. I came up with the first two sentences and my wonderful co-host, Lorianne of Four-Legged Furballs came up with the second two. If you didn’t do a post for them, you can also answer in the comment section. Thank you to all who participate. Don’t forget to add your link to the hop so everyone can visit you. The link is open until Wednesday night.

1. My February plans include ________________ and ___________________.
2. I should get rid of ______________________ because I never use them.
3. _________ is the most useful purchase I’ve made recently.
4. I would excel in the _________ category on trivia night.
My answers:
1. My February plans include spending time with the kids during their vacation week and a colonoscopy.
2. I should get rid of all my earrings because I never use them. My holes closed years ago, and I have no plans to get them pierced again.
3. The new cat toy I showed a photo of last Sunday is the most useful purchase I’ve made recently.
4. I would excel in the feline category on trivia night. I think I would do well with classic rock too.
We are joining Feline Friday now hosted by Messymimi.  
My flashback is from February of 2019. Angel Prancie gave her dad a Valentine’s Day card. I made the heart out of paper she had shredded.
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  1. How sweet to repurpose the shredded paper into a Valentine’s Day Card!!

    1. My February plans include going to dinner for Valentine’s Day…but not on the day, since I have to work, and going to a special symphony concert a week later.
    2. I should get rid of a lot of my small appliances because I never use them.
    3.Four dog treat puzzles is the most useful purchase I’ve made recently. (hey have to figure out to move the various barricades to the hidden treats, open lids, and push things around. Dalton seems to be more adept at it that Benji, or he is more stubborn, who knows, LOL!)
    4. I would excel in the classical music or the Bible category on trivia night.

    1. Thank you. 🙂 And thank you for these great answers. Glad you will get to go at least even if late- there will be less people. 🙂 Yes, I am sure you would win those categories. XO

  2. Thanks for hosting Fill-Ins……we just did ours (better late than never!). My Mom had her ears re-pierced a couple of years ago…..she had so many pretty earrings sitting in her jewelry box and she wanted to wear them again! My Mom says she bets you would be way better at Trivia Night than she would be – she knows a lot of stuff but it’s REMEMBERING it all that’s the problem! HAHAHA

    Hugs, Teddy

  3. Are you certainly did your part to recycle used paper when you made that beautiful valentine. How clever. Any chance that the little ones would wear your earrings if they ever get their ears pierced? I received some from my older cousin that I wore for years.

  4. A sweet picture of Angel Prancie with the Valentine’s Day card.
    I wear gold or silver studs to keep the holes from closing. I have two holes in one ear and three in the other. Undoubtedly, you would excel in the feline category on trivia night.

    1. I am sure Greg appreciates that. I have rings from when I was a kid. I didn’t get my ears pierced until I was 17.

  5. I hate getting a colonoscopy. The prep is terrible, and there is always a risk with anesthesia. After my last one, I said “no more” and started doing the Cologuard instead.

  6. Lulu: “Ooh, a colonoscopy? Our Dada had one of those a month or two ago. Apparently the preparation for the procedure is considerably less fun than the procedure itself …”
    Chaplin: “I sure am glad we pets don’t need to get that kind of thing done!”
    Charlee: “That valentine from Angel Prancie is the best idea ever! I wonder if I can get Mama to make my Dada one of those!”

  7. I should get rid of my earrings too. They were taken out a few years ago when I had an emergency MRI scan. I forgot all about them and didn’t find them for a few months. They were the only pair I could wear long time without getting inflamed ear lobes. When I discovered them in the bottom of a bag I didn’t usually use I couldn’t get them in so gave up.

  8. Terrific fill-ins. Maybe you can gift the earrings for the girls? maybe they’ll want to get their ears pierced and have something of yours. Happy Friday.

    1. Thank you. 🙂 I will save some for them. Typhoid Mary already has pierced ears, but The Great One backed out twice- she is wise. XO

  9. prancie thatz de pawsum est heartz day oh lovez card 💝💘 may bee yur mom can doe natez her ear ringz ore find a craftz project ta uze em on ‼️🐟😺 de gurl agreez with anzwerz for number 4 ☮️🐟💚💙😺

  10. Never used appliances are the bane of our kitchens.

    Angel Prancie is lovely, you and she came up with a great idea for a Valentine.

  11. What an awesome card! You are so, so talented, my dear. As for earrings, the piercings are still there but my allergies to cheap metal alloys make them unwearable. I even tried surgical steel but the earrings hanging off those still irritated my skin no end. lol Oh, well. I’ve been incorporating them into silly artwork. Heh… And I’m sorry to read about another loss; it’s never easy. ~hugs~ Take care, my dear.

  12. Furbulous fill-ins, as always; we hope all goes well with the medical procedure! Angel Prancie is looking epic and utterly adorable. We are so sad to hear about Zeke. The Rainbow Realm welcomed another furbulous feline! We’ve got a supurr fun idea for the earring collection; the P.A. will be sharing a post soon, so stay tuned!

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