Friendly Fill-Ins Week 436


Hi everyone! Time for the fill-ins. I came up with the first two sentences and my wonderful co-host, Lorianne of Four-Legged Furballs came up with the second two. If you didn’t do a post for them, you can also answer in the comment section. Thank you to all who participate. Don’t forget to add your link to the hop so everyone can visit you. The link is open until Wednesday night.


1. I would love to find an easier way to _______________________________.
2. My October list includes ________________, _______________ and ___________________.
3. I know better than to _________.
4. _________ should be illegal.
My answers:
1. I would love to find an easier way to stock up on litter. It is tiring to lift the 20-pound bags into the cart, load them into the car and then bring them into the house. I was using Walmart pick up, but now when I try to order the litter online, they have it listed as out of stock all the time. I think the workers were too lazy to deal with it too.
2. My October list includes meeting dear friends in Maine for lunch, celebrating my mom’s birthday (AKA: Grammie) and The Boy’s 2nd birthday and our 32nd wedding anniversary.
3. I know better than to try to trim Penelope’s toenails.
4.  Abandoning a pet should be illegal. Putting carrots in cake should be too. I like carrots, but not in my cake.
We are joining Feline Friday now hosted by Messymimi. My flashback is from October 2020. Angel Sammy was dressed as Wilbur the pig for Halloween. I am working on this year’s costumes. I usually have a theme like books, tv shows, movies, but this year it will be anything goes.

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  1. Sammy made for an adorable Wilbur!!
    I like your fill in answers, and the carrots made me giggle, because I use Oleo Carrots for the pups to help with loose stool..and Dalton almost always spits some of them out onto the floor…he seems to not like carrots either. LOL!
    Your October is quite full! nd they are all wonderful things, too.

    1. I would love to find an easier way to read through and comment on all the blogs I follow, I am lucky is I get 1 third of them done on the nights when I have some time…
    2. My October list includes traveling to Toronto and then on to Vancouver and then attending my niece’s wedding.
    3. I know better than to tell hubby what to eat, or what to wear…sigh…and even forbid that I should pack his suitcase if we are going somewhere together!
    4. Taxing pet food and supplies should be illegal.They are expensive enough as it is.

  2. It sounds like October is a busy time for you, but all very enjoyable. We should have been going on a cruise at the end of October for our 53rd wedding anniversary but of course had to cancel it. Hopefully we can do something next year.
    I don’t like carrots in a cake either, the same way I don’t think pineapple belongs on a pizza.
    Angel Sammy looks very cute as Wilbur the pig.

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