Friendly Fill-Ins Week 435 and Saturday Caturday


Hi everyone! I am doing a double post today because I will have Typhoid Mary Friday night and The Great One Saturday night. I don’t go online when I have them here unless they are asleep and I am still awake, but being that I have one at a time, I may have to sleep in the spare room if one is afraid, so I have a feeling I am going to be in bed by 9 .

I will be behind on visiting everyone’s blogs, but I will catch up Sunday night.

Time for the fill-ins. I came up with the first two sentences and my wonderful co-host, Lorianne of Four-Legged Furballs came up with the second two. If you didn’t do a post for them, you can also answer in the comment section. Thank you to all who participate. Don’t forget to add your link to the hop so everyone can visit you. The link is open until Wednesday night.

1. I have had Covid _____________ times.
2. There is no acceptable excuse for ________________________.
3. I wish _________ lasted all year long.

4. I probably look silly when I _________, but I don’t care.
My answers:
1. I have had Covid three times.
2. There is no acceptable excuse for not voting. I don’t get into politics or religion, but voting is a privilege that so many people in this world don’t have so it bugs me when someone doesn’t register or vote.
3. I wish Halloween season lasted all year long.

4. I probably look silly when I use my reusable Halloween grocery bag in the summer, but I don’t care.
We are joining Feline Friday now hosted by Messymimi. My flashback is from September 2018, Angel Sammy and Angel Joanie were celebrating their 13th birthday together. If they were here, they would be turning 19 on 9/30.
We are joining Athena’s Caturday Art Blog Hop.I used Lunapic’s BlueSwirl’s effect for my art. The puzzle is below.
We are also joining The Pet Photo Fails Blog hop hosted by Melissa and Mudpie.  This month Penelope is the blooper queen. I thought it would be funny to put this caution tape (it is not sticky) on her, but she didn’t find it amusing so she stood up.

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  1. I am in such a crazy place but wanted to make the effort do be here today and tomorrow. I hope you have a wonderful weekend with your charges. It is always fun even we set everything else on hold. I like your answers and will share my tomorrow. Always love seeing the sweet feline friends we love. Enjoy your weekend.

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