Friendly Fill-Ins Week 433

Hi everyone! If you never got to read the book Bad Cat Chris’ Dad wrote about him, now is your chance. He is offering it for free until Saturday. To learn about it, click here.

Time for the fill-ins. I came up with the first two sentences and my wonderful co-host, Lorianne of Four-Legged Furballs came up with the second two. If you didn’t do a post for them, you can also answer in the comment section. Thank you to all who participate. Don’t forget to add your link to the hop so everyone can visit you. The link is open until Wednesday night.

1, _____________________would make me happier than _______________________.
2. ________________________ raises my blood pressure.
3. I have a lot of _________ that I don’t use.
4. I never seem to have _________ when I need it.
My answers:
1. Getting to brush Tuffy would make me happier than getting to meet Nicolas Cage. I think my chances of meeting Nic are better than brushing Tuffy.
2. The sound of a lawn trimmer or leaf blower before 8 am raises my blood pressure. Our elderly neighbor’s adult son is out there once a week bright and early.
3. I have a lot of clothes that I don’t use. I have a closet full of clothes, but only wear the same few things all the time. I have gotten rid of a lot, but I guess I need to get rid of more.
4. I never seem to have glasses when I need it them.
We are joining Feline Friday now hosted by Messymimi.
My flashback is from September 2022, Angel Lucy ( the second).

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  1. I think I read the paperback book about Chris many years ago, and really enjoyed it. I will try to get the free Kindle copy too though. Cute picture of Angel Lucy! XO

  2. I just got that book a wee bit earlier.

    Angel Lucy is lighting up the room with her lasers!! LOL!

    I have way too many clothes, too…I need to edit my closets asap!

    1, Fixing up the floors in this house among other things, would make me happier than having to move away to a different house.
    2. The changes in my work schedule raises my blood pressure.
    3. I have a lot ofkkitchde appliances that I don’t use.
    4. I never seem to have the camera handy when I need it.

    1. Thank you for these great answers except I am sorry about your work schedule. I hope you can make repairs you want in your current home. XO

  3. Beautiful laser-eyed photo! And yes, mama is weeding out clothes now and the pile is shrinking, thank heaven, but it would have been fun to rummage around in it, haha. Love that Tuffy takes precedence over Mr Cage, haha.

  4. Sweet pic of Angel Lucy. I try cleaning my closet regularly, but I can’t part with some of my old clothes, especially jackets and coats. Happy Friday the 13th!

  5. At least my neighbors do wait to a decent hour to get their power tools going. But it seems like none of them want to do it on the same day, so it’s 7 days a week There’s a different house making the same noise. I love the picture of Sweet Lucy, she looks so cute lying on the bed staring straight into the camera.

  6. Oh no, Tuffy! She’s put out a bounty on brushing your furs.
    You’ll probably really enjoy it when it happens.
    Know what you mean about clothes, but The Hubby does laundry every two-three weeks, so I have to have enough to cover me for that time.
    And in summertime, we all get sweaty and stuff is only one-wear, not like a sweatshirt that can be worn a few times.

  7. Good answers! I don’t like that leaf blower or mowing sounds either. We have one crazy neighbor that does both after dark.

  8. We live in a semi-rural area. The neighbor two doors down is obsessed with “civilizing” nature. He and his power tools are out there early Saturday mornings. Very annoying. (We’re trying to return our place to its native plants. Needless to say, we’re at opposite ends of the intervention spectrum.)

  9. 1, Unity in the United States would make me happier than just about anything.
    2. Dirty politics raises my blood pressure.
    3. I have a lot of clothes/shoes that I don’t use. I used to have three sizes, now I just have my size. Cut down on a lot of clothes.
    4. I never seem to have enough ice cream when I need it.

    Thank you for co-hosting the Friendly Fill-ins. Scritches to the kitties and a hug to you, my friend. ♥

  10. can eye say eye due knot like de sound oh de vacuum masheen at any kinda time 😼😼‼️🐟. mackerull

  11. If you are talking about eye glasses, I have that issue too. I know how much it bothers you that you can’t brush Tuffy. We had a boy cat, Sleepy—he always got matted even with brushing. He wasn’t much into keeping himself clean and I had to cut the mats away. Jerry held him but he was cooperative. I’m thinking Tuffy is not 🙂
    My Fill-Ins—
    1. Having four seasons would make me happier than I have been in a long time.
    2. Going to the doctor, any kind of doctor, except the dentist raises my blood pressure.
    3. I have a lot of _________ that I don’t use. I can’t think of anything that I have a lot of that I don’t use.
    4. I never seem to have a needle and thread when I need it. Have I mentioned I almost flunked home ec in high school.
    Hope you are having a good Friday!

    1. Tuffy has so many mats, I wish I could get him shaved. Thank you for these great answers. I could not live in a place without 4 seasons. No you never mentioned almost flunking home ec. I liked home ec, I enjoyed learning to sew and cook. XO

  12. Angel Lucy sure was a pretty girl. When my son worked in the optical biz, I ended up getting a pair of glasses for every room in my house. It was great until I had to update the prescription! LOL I agree…loud power garden tools used early in the day are just all wrong. Sorry your neighbor is to clueless about how loud and obnoxious they are first thing in the morning. Good luck trying to brush Tuffy.

  13. At least the adult son takes care of his parents, but I get why it can be irksome. The noise ordinance here says they may not begin before 7am, which is still very early.

    Angel Lucy (the Second) is beautiful. Thank you for linking up with Feline Friday.

  14. We had a cat named Tuffy years ago, and we couldn’t get close enough to her to give her any kind of attention, either. In fact, if she was causing trouble (as she was often wont to do), we used to move up on her and say “I’m gonna give you attention!” She’d go hide under the bed then….

  15. Mew mew mew grate Fill-Innss Aunty Ellen. Sorry wee been AWOL alot of this week…BellaSita Mum has been so busy….you nose how it iss rite? 😉 Shee DOES wanna pawticipate inn Fill-Innss, so heer she iss:
    1, Taming Ferals Luna & Charlotte would make me happier than meeting Keanu Reeves.
    2. Same here about Lawn Mowers/Weed Whacker/Leaf Blowers b4 9 a.m. raises my blood pressure.
    3. I have a lot of clothes too that I don’t use.
    4. I never seem to have the correct utensil when I need it.
    Aunty Ellen you an BellaSita Mum are so-o alike!!!
    ~~~head rubss~~~BellaDharma~~~ an {{hugss}} BellaSita Mum

    1. I would rather she be busy than sick. 🙂 Thank you for these great answers. That would be nice if she could tame them and if you would be nice to them. XO and love to you both.

  16. Oona: “Oona’s Dada also has a closet full of clothes! He says the shirts are a queue. He hangs up clean ones on the left and takes the one he’s going to wear off the right. He does not know that Oona climbs in there and rummages around between the shirts, so they not as clean when they get to the right as he thinks they are.”
    Charlee: “Actually I am pretty sure he does know that …”

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