Friendly Fill-Ins Week 430

Hi everyone. Before I post, I want to give condolences to my friend, Anne on the loss of her handsome Mister Kitty. To visit, click here. 


And I want to thank you all for the purrs and prayers. I am starting to feel better, but my hubby just tested positive.

Time for the fill-ins. I came up with the first two sentences and my wonderful co-host, Lorianne of Four-Legged Furballs came up with the second two. If you didn’t do a post for them, you can also answer in the comment section. Thank you to all who participate. Don’t forget to add your link to the hop so everyone can visit you. The link is open until Wednesday night.

1. I am in my __________________ era.
2. I am insecure about _________________.
3. I’m really happy with my recent purchase of _________.
4. My alarm clock is usually set for _________.
My answers:
1. I am in my crazy cat lady era. It is a long era.
2. I am insecure about my weight and so many other things.
3. I’m really happy with my recent purchase of a hopscotch rug for the spare room. The girls love it.
4. My alarm clock is usually set for 7am. I hit snooze a lot.
We are joining Feline Friday now hosted by Messymimi.
My flashback is from August 2018, Angel Joanie was letting The Great One dress her as a bee.

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  1. Mr Kitty will certainly be so very missed…Its always so hard when we loose our furry ones.

    Sending more prayers for your Hubby to not become very ill with that nasty covid. Hope you are over the worst of it now.

    Joanie was always such a patient and sweet kitty with the girls.

    1. I am in my almost too old to keep working era. LOL! But I will keep past it as long as God allows it. That work keeps me fit in so many ways.
    2. I am insecure about the health u=issues of my hubby, he seems so frail sometimes..
    3. I’m really happy with my recent purchase of new travel gear for my trip to my nieces wedding , requiring an airplane flight.].
    4. My alarm clock is usually set for ‘no-oclock’…I only use it if I have to get up in the wee hours, like the time I had to be at the hospital at 530 am…. When I worked at the hospital before I got married, it was set for 445am…UGH!

    1. Thank you. 🙂 And thank you for these great answers except I am sorry about your hubby’s health issues. I am sure that is very scary.
      I am glad you are going to your niece’s wedding. XO

  2. So sorry to hear of the loss of Mister Kitty. It’s good to see you here and to read that you feel better, but we’re sorry your husband has it too. We send purrs for his recovery, and yours. Angel Joanie looks cute in the bee outfit! XO

  3. Okay, let’s hear about having a BEE SUIT at all to dress anyone in!!! And don’t worry about your weight, just eat two bites less that you think you want of anything you are eating and you will lose weight over time. It works.Eat what you like, just a bit less…and all of us with kittys are cat women!!! Cat women ROCK, Mr Vindictive Vance! And a hopscotch RUG! BRILLIANT!!!! Those little girls are so, so lucky to have you. Get well, both of you, and get the new vaccine when you can. I think it’s 3 months from the time you have had covid.

  4. It’s very difficult for two people in the same house not to catch the same thing. I love seeing your sweet bumblebee Kitty. What an outfit. And I remember playing hopscotch so that rug ought to be a real winner. Keep getting better and I pray for your husband.

  5. Oh gosh, I am glad you feel so much better. I haven’t known you to get down and out like this until this time. If there was a time, I may have missed it because I myself was down and out.
    I have been to visit Mr. Kitty’s parents. It is always so heart-rending when one of our fur babies goes on without us.

  6. I’m sorry to hear about Mr. Kitty!
    Don’t fret about your weight! I cut back on my portions and increased my excersizing. I lost 10 lbs and thus far it has stayed off.
    I am glad you are feeling better and sorry to hear about your hubby.

  7. Crazy cat lady is a lifestyle! There have been too many beloved pet losses this year.

  8. joanie…. ewe BEE bee ewe tee fullz 💖💖💖💖💖

    sorree guyz de bass turd covid iz now upon dad….hope mom and dad get ta feelin
    way better sooper quik 💙💙💚💚

  9. Tickled to see a blog post today and that you are feeling better. Sending healing thoughts to the Meowing Cat’s Dad. Hope he recovers as quickly as you did, Ellen. Fingers crossed! I am thankful for and love your Crazy Cat Lady Era♥ Joanie is adorable in the BEE costume!
    My Fill-Ins~
    1. I am in my “I don’t want to do anything I don’t want to do” era.
    2. I am insecure about dining inside restaurants since the plague.
    3. I’m really happy with my recent purchase of items from Cat Lady Alley.
    4. My alarm clock is usually set for _____. I haven’t set an alarm clock in ages.
    Thank you, Ellen and Meowing Crew!

    1. . Thank you. And thank you for these great fill-in answers. I like the sound of that era. 🙂 And I love Cat Lady Alley. XO

  10. Glad you’re starting to feel better. I hope your husband feels better quickly too!

  11. Charlee: “We’re glad you’re feeling better! We send lots of purrs that your hubby’s case is mild!”
    Chaplin: “Angel Joanie made a cute little bee. She even seems to have a little bit of pollen with her!”

  12. Thankful there is improvement on your part Ellen.
    My neighbors just got over covid. The were told if symptoms aren’t severe and a person doesn’t have extenuating health issues Flunase and Zyrtec are very helpful for treating it. Otherwise one should contact PCP
    Healing hugs

  13. Wee two are sorry Miss Ann losted Tiger Mistur Kitty! Hee sure was a cutie!
    An so was ‘angel’ Joanie inn her Bee outfit!
    Yore Fill-Innss are furry guud Aunty Ellen! Wee MOL/LOL over Crazy Cat Era beein a long one…same fore BellaSita Mum 😉
    Wee are reeleeved yore feelin bettur but sad Unkell iss sick now. GET WELL SOON both of youss’.
    ***nose kissess*** BellaDharma an {{{huggiess}}} BellaSita Mum

  14. 1. I am in my no boating era. We’re happy about this.
    2. I am insecure about very little.
    3. I’m really happy with my recent purchase of All Clad non stick frying pans.
    4. My alarm clock is usually set for an early morning medical appointment.

    Thank you for co-hosting the Friendly Fill-Ins. Have a fabulous day and weekend. Scritches to the kitties. ♥

    1. Thank you for these great answers. Glad you are happy about getting rid of the boat.; I know you have a lot of good memories. XO

  15. Joanie is a cute little bumble bee! 😊 I think every women faces similar insecurities about her weight and general appearance a little or a lot. It’s good to want to change things we don’t like about ourselves but we also need to feel good where we are, too. I think that helps in so many ways. It gets oneself closer to her goals and it makes you more confident. 😉 I lifted your fill-ins and will share my response Sunday. 👍

  16. What a cute bee! I’m sorry your husband is sick too. Hope you both feel better soon. Good answers!

  17. I answered the same for #1! I wonder if an era can last a lifetime? LOL. So sorry your hubby is sick now 🙁 Once it’s in the house it’s pretty hard to not get it.

  18. My condolences to all who knew and loved Mr. Kitty.

    I’m also very sorry your husband now has it, and pray you both are done with it quickly.

    A hopscotch rug sounds like fun.

    Angel Joanie always enjoyed dressing up. Thank you for linking up with Feline Friday!

  19. I didn’t do fill-ins this week. Sorry. My #1 would have been the same as yours. Happy you are feeling better. Very sorry that David has now tested positive. Joanie looked adorable. XOCK, angels Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta & Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy, Sawyer, Kizmet, Audrey & Raleigh

  20. That was such sad news about Mr. Kitty; we left his pawrents a few words of comfort. Glad you’re feeling a bit better; hope your hubby has a speedy recovery. Nice fill-ins and sweet Joanie looked so adorable in her bee costume.

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