Friendly Fill-Ins Week 425

Hi everyone. Before we get started, we want to give condolences to Savannah’s parents. To visit, click here. 

Time for the fill-ins. I came up with the first two sentences and my wonderful co-host, Lorianne of Four-Legged Furballs came up with the second two. If you didn’t do a post for them, you can also answer in the comment section. Thank you to all who participate. Don’t forget to add your link to the hop so everyone can visit you. The link is open until Wednesday night.

1. I refuse to shop at _________________ because _____________________.
2. ____________________ is my screensaver.
3. If I had a pet parrot, I would teach it to say _________.

4. Even though _________ isn’t until _________, I’m already _________.
My answers:
1. I refuse to shop at Carter’s Kids Store because the last time we were there, my niece spent over $300 and they charged her for a paper bag. My mom and I go school clothes shopping with them and we buy things for the kids too so this year we won’t go there.
2. Rusty is my screensaver. I have a nice closeup shot of him with his golden eyes.
3. If I had a pet parrot, I would teach it to say nothing. I would NEVER have a parrot or any bird- sorry to any bird owners, but I am very superstitious and birds in the house are bad luck. I won’t even have a picture of a bird. I know I am a bit nuts.
4. Even though Halloween isn’t until the end of October, I’m already ready to decorate for it.
We are joining Feline Friday now hosted by Messymimi.
Our flashback is from July 2015. Angel Prancie was scoring some of her dad’s dinner and Angel Joanie and Angel Spooky were hoping for some too.

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  1. We were really sorry to hear of the loss of Savannah, too. That’s a cute picture of the kitty angels trying to get a bite or two of their Dad’s dinner! XO

  2. Savannah’s departure marks yet another end to a Blogville legend…
    That picture of Prancie with her mouth wide open made me giggle!! That was a great action shot!

    I don’t have any good answers today for the fill ins! Imagine that!

    1. Very sad about Savannah. Glad the photo gave you a chuckle. I can’t imagine that. XO

  3. The photo of your Angels at dinnertime made us smile, Ellen. And of course, dad says if he had a parrot he would most certainly teach it to say @*%$@#*%*. We’re heading west this weekend and will be back soon. Bye!

  4. The last time we vacationed in Maine, we ran into retailers that didn’t supply shopping bags at all and if they did they charged you for them. Has that same policy migrated to your area, too? That’s just craziness! Your flash back photo is a sweet memory. 🙂 I borrowed the fill-ins and will share them on Sunday. Have a great weekend, Ellen!

    1. Yes, it is spreading all over here. Many towns have a no plastic rule and then the stores charge for paper bags. Thank you. 🙂 I look forward to your answers. XO

  5. What perfect angels eating food with their dad. Just got to love it. I’m not really superstitious but I understand how you feel about some things. I wouldn’t want a bird because they can live for a hundred years and I’m already pushing 100, lol. My screensaver is my angel Seney.

  6. I love that picture of Prancie’s wide-open mouth! I’m still smiling! I filled in yesterday right here on the post! I wasn’t very interesting but…

    It was so sad to learn of Savannah’s passing As Ingrid said..another legend gone.

  7. That’s so sad about Savannah. My condolences to the family.

    What a great flashback picture. I agree about the parrot. I wouldn’t have birds either. I didn’t think to put that in my answer, though. I should have.

    Have a great weekend!

  8. I’m sorry to hear about Savannah’s passing and my condolences to the family. That’s an adorable pic of angel kitties trying to score some of their dad’s dinner.

  9. The photo of David and the now angels is precious. Mom’s grandma used to always have birds but never a parrot. Mom and Dad once raised a Robin that was injured. That’s before we came along. That Carters charged for that bag was unbelievable. It amazes Mom how many stores already have all their Halloween merchandise available. XOCK, angels Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta & Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy, Sawyer, Kizmet, Audrey & Raleigh

    1. Thank you. 🙂 Stores seem to be getting earlier all the time, but I don’t mind for Halloween. XO

  10. So interesting about the birds!!! We learn something new every time we read your blog and it’s all wonderful! Yes, so sad about Savannah…

  11. Was very sad to hear about Savannah.

    Wow, that is a lot of money at Carter’s!

  12. Ellen, we had two cockatiels, Toby and AnnieAndy and Bud Bird the Maroon-bellied Counure. I would never have a bird again but not because they are bad luck. I hadn’t ever heard that. After having our three birds which we loved and enjoyed very much, I came to the conclusion that birds do not belong in cages. They belong outside where they can live their lives the way it was intended. I came home from work one day to a nekkid Bud Bird. He plucked every feather out if his body except his head and neck which he couldn’t reach.
    Your happiness over decorating for Halloween is going to help me get through this horrible hot and humid Florida summer because you loving Halloween keeps me in a Fall kinda mood!
    My Fill-Ins—
    1. I refuse to shop at Walmart because our local Walmart is a mess. I have never enjoyed Walmart.
    2. Our Z Cat that left us too early is my screensaver. She was only 8 years old.
    3. If I had a pet parrot, I would teach it to say its name. We had a Maroon-bellied Conure and he knew and said his name… Bud Bird. He had a lot to say and he said it all… a lot. We loved him♥
    4. Even though Thanksgiving, my favorite holiday, isn’t until November I’m already looking forward to it. I will be thankful for cooler weather.
    Sorry for the length of this comment!

    1. Thank you for these great answers. I always enjoy your comments so no need to apologize. Very true about birds, it must be awful to be able to fly and not get to. Sorry you didn’t have more time with your Z car. I love Thanksgiving too, but that means Halloween is over and I don’t want it to be over. XO

  13. I forgot… your flashback of Prancie, Joanie and Spooky is adorable!

  14. That’s an adorable image. 😀 I’m very sorry for Savannah’s family. 🙁 Be well, my dear.

    PS I didn’t know that about birds in the home.
    PPS My house has Halloween decor scattered throughout year round.

    1. Thank you. 🙂 It is mainly a bad omen for one to get into your home, but I take it to an extreme. I have some Halloween stuff up year round too and I bring my Halloween bag to the grocery store. XO

  15. My thoughts and prayers are with sweet Savannah’s family. It was devastating to read the news of her passing.

    Your fill-ins are fantastic, of course! That clothing shopping experience sounds like a nightmare. My screensaver is also a handsome orange boy! And I feel like you’ve mentioned your thoughts on birds before, but I had forgotten when I came up with this fill-in. Your honest answer made me smile, though! And we have almost identical answers to #4. I would happily fast forward to the spooky autumn season.

    I love this action shot of Angel Prancie! Purrs to all of you!

    1. Yes, that was sad news. How cool we both have handsome ginger boys as our screen saver. 🙂 No worries on the birds. Have a nice weekend. XO

  16. 1. I refuse to shop for Hershey’s chocolate because they moved their company to Mexico. It used to be about 10 miles from our home in Oakdale, California.
    2. Angel Little Bit on the swim platform of our boat is my screensaver.
    3. If I had a pet parrot, I would teach it to say I love you.
    4. Even though fall isn’t until September 22, I’m already ready for cooler temperatures.

    Thank you for co-hosting the Friendly Fill-Ins. A hug to you and lots of scritches to the kitties. ♥

    1. Thank you for these great answers. I did not know that about Hershey, I buy Dove brand. I can’t wait for fall too. XO

  17. Thanks for letting us know about Savannah. It’s always heartbreaking when our blogging buddies cross the Rainbow Bridge. the picture of Angel Prancie made me smile. Love how she was willing to eat from a fork. Too cute.

  18. I’m not superstitious about birds in the house but I don’t want any because cats kill them, ask how I know.

    That’s a great picture of your three angels, I’m sure their Daddy shared with all of them. Thank you for linking up with Feline Friday!

  19. With that lineup it is a wonder Dad had any dinner left for himself:)

    We can tell you are excited for Halloween:)

    Woos – Misty and Timber

  20. 1. I refuse to shop at fast food places because I don’t trust the safety of their food.
    2. Standard Mac is my screensaver. It shows a slowly moving picture over fields and woods.
    3. If I had a pet parrot, I would not encourage it to talk. Repetition can be maddening..
    4. Even though tomorrow isn’t until tomorrow, I’m already thinkinng about what I should do.

  21. Charlee: “I would pay for a paper bag! Of course, I would be spending Dada’s money, and I would be buying it in order to sit in it.”
    Oona: “You mean you would be buying it in order for Oona to sit in it.”
    Charlee: *sigh* “Yes, I would be buying it in order for Oona to sit in it.”

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