Friendly Fill-Ins Week 416


Hi everyone! Time for the fill-ins. I came up with the first two sentences and my wonderful co-host, Lorianne of Four-Legged Furballs came up with the second two. If you didn’t do a post for them, you can also answer in the comment section. Thank you to all who participate. Don’t forget to add your link to the hop so everyone can visit you. The link is open until Wednesday night.

1. Back in the day, _________________________.
2. ________________________ is an unconventional pet I would like to have.
3. Though _________ is my dream job, I’d also settle for working as _________.


4. I’d like to get _________’s autograph.
My answers:
1. Back in the day, we didn’t have cell phones or even cordless phones.
2. An octopus is an unconventional pet I would like to have. Although I looked into it and they don’t live more than a year, so I don’t want that kind of heart break.
3. Though being a famous author is my dream job, I’d also settle for working as any kind of writer that gets paid.
4. I’d like to get Nic Cage’s autograph. I bet you all knew that would be my answer.
We are joining Feline Friday now hosted by Messymimi. 
My flashback is from May of last year, Angel Joanie and her Gremmie were celebrating hat day.

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  1. Hugs over the loss of Joanie. You’re such wonderful pet parents and my heart aches over your losses.

    On a bright (fantasy) note, I imagine us teaming up with other likeminded individuals to create an amazing animal sanctuary for all creatures feathered, furred, and finned. Wouldn’t that be grand?

  2. Oh, we are sure you have seen My Octopus Teacher, the wonderful film about observing an octopus for a long time and learning so, so much about life. We thought they lived many years but maybe that is only the really big ones. Great fill ins and yes, maybe a whole letter from Mr Cage would be really great!!! Moonshine, which we saw again recently, made mama really see who he is….wow.

    1. I have not seen that, but I read a similar book. They fascinate me. None live long, sadly. I would prefer a photo to an autograph. XO

  3. Those are fun fill ins…I didn’t do any fu=ill ins this week…but I remember when some of our neighbors didn’t even have a dial phone, they had to go to someone else’s place to make a call! And how dud we ever survive without the technology of today?? Back in the day as well, my mother used a wringer washer!! Yikes! And hung it all outside to dry…or the basement if the weather was bad.

  4. Angel Joanie8could always pull off a hat. I grew up with our house having a four party telephone line. And believe me I wouldn’t even allowed to talk to my grandmother very long. The neighbors would pick up the phone and tell us to hang up.

  5. 1. Back in the day, I used to sleep through the whole night. With a cat or 2 by my side.
    2. An unconventional pet I would like to have. Nope, just cats.
    3. Though is my dream job, I’d also settle for working as. Retired. Im done with work.
    4. I’d like to get Obama’s’ autograph.

  6. An adorable pic of Angel Joanie and Gremmie.
    I remember the old dial phones
    Though not an unconventional pet, I would like to have a hamster
    I ditto #3
    I would like to get Aaron Rodgers’ autograph
    Happy Friday!

    1. Thank you, Hamsters are cute, but they have short lives so I wouldn’t want the heartbreak. XO

  7. Aww, Joanie, you definitely wore that hat best. You are so missed♥
    Had no idea the life of an octopus is only a year. I hope something comes your way with respect to writing that you would enjoy. Don’t give up your dream, Ellen. Yep, I was pretty sure I knew what #4 was going to be.
    1. Back in the day, I was a mischievous little pain in the butt. Ask the nuns.
    2. _____________is an unconventional pet I would like to have. Just a cat, thank you.
    3. Though _________ is my dream job, I’d also settle for working as _________. I have been retired since 2001 and I like it.
    4. I’d like to get Boyd Martin’s autograph.
    Enjoy your weekend Meowing Crew!

    1. Thank you for these great answers. I had to look up Boyd Martin, should have known he was an equestrian. 🙂 XO

  8. I enjoyed seeing Angel Joanie and her Gremmie. I was trying to think of some answers this week but Mom and I are stuck. We can’t think of even one of the fill-ins.

  9. 1. Back in the day, we went outside and enjoyed nature.
    2. A jaguar is an unconventional pet I would like to have.
    3. Though being rich is my dream job, I’d also settle for working as a deputy sheriff.
    4. I’d like to get parents autograph. Then we could talk and share time together.

    Thank you for co-hosting the Friendly Fiil-Ins.

    Have a fabulous day and weekend, Ellen. Scritches to the kitties. XO ♥

  10. 1. Back in the day,we picked up the phone not knowing who was calling.
    2. A Lion is an unconventional pet I would like to have.
    3. Though Being a Corrections Officer was my dream job, I’d also settle for working as Security Guard.
    4. I’d like to get Sean Connery’s autograph.

    1. Thank you for these great answers. Yes, I remember those days. I hope you get that autograph. 🙂

  11. Adorable flashback photo. Yes, I knew that would be your answer for # 4 🙂 I had no idea an octopus had such a short life.

  12. An octopus would be a fascinating pet to watch, but I agree it’s a lot of work to keep a saltwater tank for a short time spent with them.

    Hooray for Angel Joanie and Gremmie, showing off hats. Thank you for linking up with Feline Friday!

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