Don’t Look Back


Hi everyone. I have a great book to recommend today.

*I received a free digital copy of Don’t Look Back by Christine Caine in exchange for a review. All opinions are my own. 

When I saw the title of this book, I wanted to read it. I am not big on thinking about the past. I allow myself a flashback Friday of one of my kitties that has passed, but other than that, I don’t look back.  I get mad at my husband when he does and I feel that is what makes him depressed.

The author also believes looking back is not a good idea. She refers to The Bible and how Lot was told not to look back, but did and his wife was turned into a pillar of salt. I had never made that connection before, but God is telling us not to look back.

The author gives stories from her own life and those of others to help us stop looking back. I highly recommend this book to anyone, especially those that tend to live in the past. We can’t change the past and have little control of the future so we might as well just live in the now.


We are joining Comedy Plus’ Awww….Mondays .

Out Catbury Bunny auditions don’t start until next Sunday, but Dusty wanted to test her new dress and some bunny ears out.



  1. Dusty sure makes a sweet bunny!
    I agree you don’t need to look back too much, but somehow we CAN learn from what happened i the past, and that is in the Bible, too. We need to learn form our mistakes, so as not to repeat them. And we can see how God has done things that we need to remember.
    I am a cancer survivor as you know, but while I don’t dwell on that, I can see how God used that to teach me things, and to give praise for my healing.

    1. Dusty thanks you. I agree about learning from the past. And I am glad you survived cancer- you are an inspiration. XO

  2. Here and now need attention always, just to enjoy or figure out the day your’re in! But there are some awfully sweet memories from a happy past that are nice to think about and then move on to more!

  3. Dusty does dress up well doesn’t she. I used to get extremely depressed about Angel Seney but thankfully is the years have gone by when I think about her I’m not nearly as sad. It’s just a tough place to be sometimes.

  4. Kind of agree/disagree … do love to look back at wonderful memories (pictures in my mind) of my kids and happy little times, same with grands … my dear hubby … even sweet friends: these have all made my life better … so why not enjoy these beautiful memories! The others (not so good) get forgotten anyway …

  5. Charlee: “Our Dada say the title of this post and started humming a song by somebody named Boston. I guess it’s a singing fern? Puzzling.”
    Chaplin: “Dusty, you look very cute in your bunny ears! And your dress has nice Easter colors in it!”

  6. I love to look back. My mother and all the wonderful furbabes I’ve had over the years. Some things are not good to look back on though. I get that.

    Dusty is rocking it. Adorable.

    Thank you for joining the Awww Mondays Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Awww Monday and week. Scritches to all the kitties and a big hug to mom. ♥

  7. I think there is something good about looking back on memories that give you joy but no to looking back at memories that are negative and do nothing but leave you stuck in the past. Always living in the present, this day, is my choice. I am totally with you on your last sentence, Ellen.
    Dusty is so adorable… awww-dorable!

  8. What a good lesson for life. As I’ve aged, I have ‘tried’ to let go of things that I have no control over or things that I cannot change. Mostly I’m successful. Dusty if I was by your side, I’d give you an award for excellent sportsLADYship!!
    Hugs Cecilia

  9. I have not read this book, but I shall. I don’t look back either
    BUT I do live my life with an attitude of gratitude. I have found (when I start to get down), that listing 3 things that I am grateful for, improves my mood. And it sure beats thinking about all the miserable things. Breaking my leg in October was a horrible, life changing event, but I am totally grateful. It allowed me to realize that I did NOT have to do everything, that people wanted to help me and that my life has totally changed, I will never be able to do some of the things I did before, but I am learning different things! Thank YOU for the new book to read! Keep being awesome Ellen!

  10. Dusty is adorable ~
    Memories are a treasure but important to live in the present as much as possible ~

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days ~
    clm ~ A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  11. Adorable photo! I like to look back at happy times, but sometimes I get caught up in the sad times of the past. I need to stop that. Sounds like a good book.

  12. Ms. Caine and her brother and sister are excellent Christian singers and I enjoy their music. I’m glad her book is a good one.

    As for depression, it’s a monster and a beast and is very hard to fight. It may not so much be your husband is depressed because he looks back, it could be the opposite, depression makes it very hard to not dwell on the past. I’ll be praying he finds treatment and relief.


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