Christmas Eve Card Display

Thank you all for the beautiful cards that were either emailed/snail mailed or both. We treasure every one of them. I am still learning to use WordPress so I couldn’t make a slide show or figure out how to display them every day. I am posting them all here- there is even a photo of our snail mail ones that are proudly displayed under glass on the kitchen table. Sammy is a Cat Scout and wanted to thank his friends for the cards and show off his that are on his top bed of the kitty bunk bed.

Β 006001Merry Christmas 2014pizap photoMerry Christmas, Kjelle BusMerry Christmas, SummerDigital cardFuzzy TalesInline image 1NellieXmas2014smallMerry Christmas, Cody and familyInline image 1SAMCHRISTMAS2014.jpgJFF Names 2014_resizedX-Mas cardInline image 1


  1. Sammy you got a lot of great Christmas cards!!!! I can’t ever remember getting this many cards EVER – I think the CB card exchange and Scouts exchange meant a lot more than EVER before!!!!!

    Hugs, Sammy

    1. This was our first time and we loved it. We will treasure every card. Sammy even got a scrapbook for Christmas to preserve his.

    1. Sorry- some were big and I am mostly computer illiterate and didn’t know how to reduce the size.

  2. Could not see some but… The feeling flowed through anymeow!
    Thanks for a Great bunch of gifts Sammy P! We posted about them today
    Purrs and Meowy Christmas
    Timmy Dad and Family

  3. To you & your fameowly
    May your Christmas sparkle with moments of love, laughter and goodwill, And may the year ahead be full of contentment and joy.



  4. Wonderful cards one and all! Merry Christmas to all 15 of you sweeties and to your pawrents ! May the day be filed with love and joy πŸ™‚

    the critters in the cottage xo

  5. So many beautiful cards! There were a few that weren’t showing up for me, so I don’t know if you’ve received my card yet. If you haven’t, know that it is on the way. Have a very Merry Christmas!

  6. Those are the best cards!!! Merry Christmas!!! Love, Me, Jeff, Dom, Reggie, Mitsi, and Dr. Puss <3 <3 <3

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