1. The dreamy effect is very pretty. Dusty still looks cute in her hat even though a blooper. Happy Caturday Saturday!

  2. We LOVE that you are wearing the Cat In The Hat HAT!!! And what a beautiful dream! We like the other hat too!
    Keep being awesome guys and we can’t wait for TOMORROW (Cat in the Hat Day).
    Keep being awesome Marvelous Marv, Kozmo, Jo Jo, and Nutmeg

  3. What a cool effect!

    Dusty looks like she’s trying to be patient, it’s a fun fail.

  4. Mommy and I are late late late. Mom was over at the grandson’s house all day and then, they upped and came over HERE within an hour of mom getting back here to me… till 6! So we didn’t get blog reading done. Dusty, you are truly adorbs.

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