Caturday Saturday


Hi everyone. I want to give condolences to John, cat dad, at I Have Three Cats blog on his loss of sweet Renn. To visit, click here. 


We are joining Athena’s Caturday Art Blog Hop.

This week instead of Lunapic ,I will show you the art the girls made with the squeegees. And I will warn you if you ever do it, it can be messy. The great one made her sploops of paint to big so when she squeegeed them all the surplus was on the table. I always have a plastic cloth on it so it doesn’t matter here, but be careful if you try it. Typhoid Mary added some glitter to hers. She got much more on the floor than on the paintings/



I made a puzzle of Angel Emmy’s photo that I posted yesterday. I didn’t artify it because it was colorful enough.



  1. Wow, that is some 😎 cool art that the girls made! And I love the picture of Angel Emmy. We’re so sorry to hear of the loss of Renn. XO

  2. Boy the girls did great. Mom just has carpet everywhere but the kitchen and bathroom, so she and James wouldn’t be up for it, but the girls did great!

  3. I’m sorry to hear about sweet Angel Renn. The girls did great with their artistic endeavors. Happy Caturday.

  4. OhMyGosh, the report of the art sploops and paint and glitter making it to the floor cracked me up!!! The art looks very lovely… artistic! That had to be fun! Laughing here… it truly is colorful!!! Well done, TGO and TM!

    1. You would have really cracked up to see my glittered rug. I always know where Typhoid Mary has been sitting. Thank you. 🙂 XO

  5. Lovely art, and would like to send condolences to John but his site has a google button that did not let me go to Google and send a comment.

  6. Snazzy paintinss Aunty Ellen. Iss a guud thing you were purrpared fore a BEEG mess!!!
    Wee are sorry fore Mistur John’ss loss of Renn. Wee send our Sympaffiess to him. Wee do not have G00gle account so wee leeve commint heer. May Renn’ss memoree bee fore a blessin!
    ~~~head rubss~~~BellaDharma~~~ an {{{hugss}}} BellaSita Mum

    1. Thank you. 🙂 It is a pain to comment on some blogs. Sometimes google won’t let me sign in. XO

  7. Mom remembers how messy paints and glitter (and Play Doh) can be with the little ones. But they have so much fun using them. The girls did a nice job.

    Woos – Misty and Timber

    1. Thank you. My house is always going to have glitter, I can’t seem to get it all cleaned up. 🙂

  8. Squeegee art looks cool and sounds like an outdoor activity to me. Thanks for the head’s up if I ever need to try it.

  9. That art sure is great, but we hav a feeling you will be finding that glitter around for a while to come!

    We were so sad to hear about Renn’s passing.

    1. Thank you. Yes, there is always some glitter around here- litter and glitter. XO

  10. Charlee: “Ooh, glitter! We have heard stories about glitter!”
    Chaplin: “Yeah, there was that one time Dennis was on a bus with a bunch of Muppets and somebody set off a glitter bomb so he and Tucker and Trixie were all covered in glitter and then they had to perform a song for the Muppets and started a riot.”
    Java Bean: “Ayyyy, things sure used to be strange around here …”

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