
Hi everyone! Thank you for all the purrs and prayers for Emmy.

Please keep our friends in your prayers too- Our friend Rumpy at Timmy Tomcat’s blog could use some prayers as well as Lilah at Angelic Clowder. To visit, click on their names.


We are joining Comedy Plus’ Awww….Mondays. 

It only took Jinx 18 years to realize boxes are fun. I left these two on the table and he rotates between them.



  1. Prayers for your kitty pals and for Emmy too. Jinx looks very happy in his box. He needs a friend to join him in the other box:)

    Woos – Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  2. Well done Jinx on discovering the pleasure of boxes! I am keeping Rumpy and all those who need them in my thoughts.

  3. I’ll pop over to each blog and leave a comment.

    Jinx is a slow learner, but he’s most handsome.

    Thank you for joining the Awww Mondays Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Awww Monday and week, Ellen. Scritches to all the kitties. ♥

  4. Jinx we all know kitties are very cautious and think things out thoroughly before they jump on the bandwagon
    Hugs Cecilia

  5. Good for you Jinx! I adore your name and that lush coat of fur. 🙂 I’ll send best wishes to our furry friends in need, too. Thank you for sharing.

  6. We really appreciate the support for Rumpy Bump and we visited Lilah and gave her our purrs. Jinx better late than never but we think he had other things he really liked too

  7. That’s funny it took Jinx 18 years to like boxes. Daisy Mae loved boxes as a kitten but not so much now that she is a senior Cat. That is a bunch of AWWW…

  8. Cats and boxes go paw in paw! They would rather hang out in a box than a house. Such a great photo! Enjoy your week and everyone have a great time! HUGS across the miles XO XO XO XO XO XO

  9. There is lots of purrs leaving our den too…and tons of that good POTP! And pawyers, too:)
    MrJinx is a slow learner?? MOL! He just had to take his time about it, PIpo issn’t much if a box kitty, but will lie in an open lid like MrJinx is doing.

  10. We’re sending purrs and prayers to any sick friends out there.

    Jinx, even if it took you a few years, we’re glad you finally discovered the wonder that is boxes. Happy boxing!

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