Awww..Monday and a Review


Hi everyone. I just finished reading another book from NetGalley.

  • I received a free e-copy of Mornings Without Mi by Mayumi Inaba, translated from Japanese by Ginny Tapley Takemori in exchange for a fair review. All opinions are my own.

This book was first published in 2014 in Japan and is the memoir of a woman and her relationship with her cat. She first finds Mii as a kitten in 1977. She was stuck in a fence, most likely put there by some awful person. For the next 20 years, Mii is her best friend, child and constant companion. I enjoyed the love story part of it because I love cats and have been very bonded to several of them over the years. I also enjoyed the beautiful poetry at the end of each chapter.

There were some parts I didn’t like that I want to warn sensitive people about. I know I appreciate knowing things ahead of time if they are going to bother me so I can choose to pass or not. The author referred to several strays or neighborhood cats that did not have good lives. This is in several chapters so you may want to skip this book if that will bother you. Overall, though it is a beautiful love story.

And before we go, we are joining Comedy Plus’ Awww….Mondays . The girls taught Dusty some cheers last week.


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