

Hi everyone, before we get started, we want to give condolences to Messymimi on the loss of sweet Dansig. To visit, click here.


We are joining Comedy Plus’ Awww….Mondays .

Dusty is posing with the book I am currently reading.

I guess Dusty is not an Emily Dickinson fan because she stuck her tongue out in both shots.

The Letters of Emily Dickinson by Emily Dickinson is a collection of 1,304 of letters she had written to friends and family.  They start when she is 12 and go through her lifetime. So far, I have only read up until she was 17, but I am enjoying reading them. My only complaint is that the book is very heavy and hard to keep holding. Emily Dickinson’s birthday is tomorrow ( 12/10). Her home is only 30 minutes away. I have been by it many times but never visited. I have been to Louissa May Alcott’s home in Concord, MA though.

Penny will be here with her money saving tips tomorrow.


  1. I’m so sorry to learn of the loss of Dansig; purrs of comfort for his people. I do love Dickinson’s poetry and I bet her letters would be very interesting to read! XO

  2. What a wonderful book that must be. Letters of famous writers are always so incedible, charting their lives so personally. And love Louisa May’s books since childhood. Thank you for bringing attention to them both.

  3. I think you have a very interesting read there. Reading her young letters starting out and then as she gets older I’m sure the tone starts to change. We were very sorry to hear about Dansig.

  4. I am sorry to hear about Dansig, and my condolences to her family. I love Emily Dickinson’s poetry and the book sounds interesting. Dusty and her raspberry is too cute.

  5. Oh, I am sorry to learn about Dansig. Somehow, if he was mentioned in her blog, I missed it. I will go right over.

  6. So sad about Dansig the Round. I love her and her family.

    Love that raspberry. Well done.

    Thank you for joining the Awww Mondays Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Awww Monday and week, Ellen. Scritches to all the kitties. ♥

  7. Dusty ~ sweet photo with a lovely book choice ~ do I see a little pink tongue? ~ hugs,

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    clm ~ A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  8. We were sad to hear about Danzig. And We have NOT read the Emily Dickson letters, I can’t imagine WRITING 1,304 letters! But I am READING A REAL BOOK (usually we read e-books) we got a copy of Pirates & Pussycats (it has our furrends Erin and Valentine) in it! And I have been reading it! Mom has been trying to get a picture of me with it for the blog, but she can’t sneak up on me with her broken leg right now. Keep being awesome guys! Your #1 Fan Boy, Marvelous Marv (and Kozmo, and Jo Jo and Nutcase er Nutmeg and Mom Barb)

  9. I am so sorry Dansig had to leave. So thankful his humans knew it was time and loved him enough to let him go when he was ready.
    Dusty has opinions! I don’t think I have ever read Emily Dickinson on purpose. I think I have had fly by kind of readings via other people trying to enlighten me. I googled and found her 10 best poems and I think I know what I will be doing for the next month.

    1. I only read some of her poems in high school. I am enjoying the letters though for a glimpse into life back then. XO

  10. Thank you so very much for the condolence message, all the comments have been such a comfort.

    I can only imagine how heavy a book would be which included that many letters!

    Dusty is still precious, even if she’s not a poetry fan.

  11. Dusty must not yet appreciate the wonders of Emily Dickinson. That sounds like an interesting read

    Woos – Misty and Timber

  12. Mee-yow wee are so sad about Dansig Aunty Ellen. Wee went over to Miss Mimi’ss an leeved our Sympaffiess.
    Dusty yore two cute!! Aunty Ellen that book soundss purrty innterestin.
    BellaSita iss reedin a book called “Alarmus” bye Mistur Richard Laymon, Iss sorta sp00ky an creepy……mee not sure mee likess it! 😉
    **nose rubss** BellaDharma an ((hugss)) BellaSita Mum

  13. Charlee: “Aww, we are behind again and we didn’t hear about Dansig. We will head over there right now.”
    Chaplin: “Our Dada says the best thing about his eReader is not having to carry a book around and hold it open with one hand while he’s reading and eating lunch. Although if that were his worst problem he would probably be doing pretty well, am I right?”

  14. We have a book of Emily Dickinson’s poetry. It’s been ages since I read anything from it. I think we got it primarily for our oldest daughter. A book of her letters would be something that would interest me. Sorry to read about Mimi’s kitty. How sad!

  15. Messymimi is awesome like you, dear Ellen; I’m sorry for their loss. As for that interesting read, I’d lie across the bed on my stomach to support such a heavy tome. lol And Dusty looks adorable with that tongue tip poking out. Best wishes, my dear.

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