Ami Ami Kittens Seriously Cute Crochet

Hi everyone! I have a book review for you today. As you know, I love to crochet so I was thrilled when I was contacted by Harper Design and asked if I wanted a copy of Ami Ami Kittens Seriously Cute Crochet by Mitsuki Hoshi. She has had 22 crochet books published,originally starting with amigurumi dogs.

  • Disclaimer notice: I received a copy of Ami Ami Kittens in exchange for a fair review. All opinions are my own.

DSCF0807Look at the cute kitties on the cover.

All the cats are made up of the same components, you just change the colors depending on what kind of cat you are making. There are Tuxes, Siamese, Tabby, Scottish Fold and many more. There are also patterns for finger puppets, key chains, magnets and pin badges.

I am amazed at all the beautiful photos is this book and all the cute kitties in adorable settings. In case you are not familiar with amigurumi, it is the Japanese art of crocheting tiny animals and objects. Sadly, I have enormous man hands and had a heck of a time trying to make a cat. First off, I used the same cotton yarn that i make my toys with which is thick so I ended up with a larger head than I was supposed to. I decided to just make a magnet at that point. For that, I just needed the head, 2 ears and a nose, DSCF0809This photo is the head with 2 eyes attached and then stuffed.

DSCF0812 I managed to crochet the nose, embroider the pink part on then sew the nose to the head. After that, I crocheted 2 ears and sewed them on. I think it came out pretty good. The ears look more like a bears, but you get the idea. I had planned to make a cat and do a giveaway, but I need to keep practicing before that can happen.

The directions in this book were very clear, once I understood the designer’s style. I am used to patterns that just read row 1 and then the stitches and total count per row. This does that, but it is written as a chart and is backward. Once you understand that, it is very simple.

If you enjoy crocheting – and have small hands, I highly recommend this book. I will keep you posted on my progress with making these cuties.You can read more about it at Harper Collins and it is available at Barnes and Noble

I have no affiliation with Barnes and Noble, but I like them and Amazon usually gets all the attention.


  1. I love this art! I was all set to put in my order with you, one for each of my furkids. Keep me posted on this. Maybe you can modify it with your own knowledge and style. Hugs!

  2. This sounds really cool! You’d never know it (since there are very few examples around the house), but my human knows how to crochet. She doesn’t have small hands though – they aren’t humongous, but they are larger than average.

  3. Oh I love amigurumi – I’d never heard of it until I started following Sharon at Gentle Stitches but I just LOVE the art of it…..and while I was NEVER able to get the hang of crochet, I have always admired those who do. I think your little cat head turned out just GREAT! It’s cute as can be.

    Hugs, Pam (and Sam)

  4. That looks like a neat project.
    Now that you have it figured out, it will be fun to see the finished project πŸ™‚
    Purrs Georgia and Julie,
    Treasure and JJ

  5. Oh, I love this review! I love your crocheted goodies, and cats, so this is just purrfect. I myself have absolutely zero skills at anything resembling crocheting, but my sister loves to knit and is in the process of learning to crochet, so I think this would be perfect for her. Thank you so much for sharing this! Purrs!

  6. Totally pawesome, but sadly the P.A. could never master knitting or crochet when she was younger yet she can sew… purrhaps I should get her this book and see if I can teach her! Thanks for sharing, purrs Basil xox

  7. We love it! Our Mommy is such a klutz we’ll never see them around here. What an art.
    Angels Normie and Mika, Sasha & Grady Lewis

  8. Uh Oh! These are so cute mom is going to want one for each of us. When you’re ready to take orders, she’ll stand in line!!

  9. Wow!
    What fun!
    You did a great job with your improvising from cat to magnet.
    If you followed al the directions even if your yarn was bigger it should still turn out good, just larger, I think. The proportions would still be the same. If you are making things that are not garments it wouldn’t matter:)

    That looks to be a great way to use up bits of leftover yarns. Does this author make patterns for other critters?


  10. guys….bear earz ore knot… yur mom haz done an awesum job….we think de cat iz total lee kewl….bee sides….big cat cuzinz haz rounded ears; sew yur momz cat iz rite on trax !!! πŸ™‚ heerz two a temperate ocean bass kinda week oh end β™₯β™₯β™₯β™₯

    1. Thank you πŸ™‚ You are very sweet. We hope you have a great fish filled weekend.

  11. I love this cat head as a magnet. That would be a great giveaway in itself. Mom knows how to crochet and has done many items in the past. She made us a stuffed rabbit a zillion years ago and Cow Kitty keeps pulling it outta the toy pail…we’re kinda bored with it but he likes it. Mom says she may start trying to crochet again. You sparked something in her. Thanks…she needed sparking.



    1. I am so glad I sparked something in your Mom. I am sure she will enjoy crocheting and maybe make you toys too.

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