Guest Post with Cat Scouts Maggie and Felix

Hi everyone! We are very lucky to have a guest post from roommate Cat Scouts Maggie and Felix.

Happy New Year, everyone!

We wanted to take this opportunity to thank Auntie Ellen for inviting us to guest post once in awhile.  We love sharing our common concerns about animal welfare, and especially kitty news and trends.  We are taking a much-needed break from the holidays, and we’ve made a few New Year’s resolutions.

We know with Winter in full swing in many parts of our country, our compatriots without homes are struggling to stay warm and find food and water. We and many of you donate supplies and money to our local shelters and rescue groups, but we’d like to also encourage you to volunteer to help your community care for our needy relatives.  If you are unable to donate time or money, but like to “socialize,” you can always help on-line with petitions, drives and message boards.

You’d be surprised at how effective our combined paw power can be!

We also wanted to let you know about an amazing conference coming up later this Winter, organized by the former founder and President of Best Friends Animal Society, now the founder and CEO of Earth in Transition.       





We wish all of you peace, good health and lots of love in 2017!

Today is also a special day in The Blogosphere to say goodbye to Easy who left for the Bridge

It is called Lighting the Way for Easy and is hosted by Dory’s Backyard.



  1. Such a great reminder … that while most of us enjoy an abundance during the holiday season, there are lots of kitties that go without. And it has a special place in my heart because my Bear Cat used to be one of them. He saved my life … and each and every homeless and hungry cat has the same potential if just given a chance 🙂

  2. Hi Maggie and Felix…….thanks for telling us about the animal symposium coming this year – a most worthy cause. We are also helping to light the day up with candlepower for dear Easy who is finally HOME.

    Love, Angel Sammy

  3. My condolences for all who loved Easy.

    This morning, Sweetie and i are heading to the shelter to feed, water, and change the litter boxes for about 150 cats. It’s going to be a great morning!

  4. Maggie and Felix, you sure did a fine job with your post. It’s an important reminder for us all that there are lots of ways we can help homeless cats.

  5. What a purrfect post, Maggie and Felix! The homeless furbabies out there need our help, and it is so great of kitties like you to remind us of that fact. Happy Wednesday to all of you!

  6. Such a timely post. We are the luckiest of kitties, who have homes and noms and people who love and take care of us. You are good scouts to remind us all that others need our help.

    We wish all the Kitties and People at 15 & Meowing the Happiest of New Years. You are so good to visit us so often–we lubs you!

    And we loved funny, lovable and hilarious Easy. XOXOXO

    1. Yes, we must remember those less fortunate and many of our kitties were in that position before we adopted them. XO

  7. Efurryone has joined to lite thee candle fur Easy an his Pawentss……wee were blessed to know such a wunderfull doggie boy!!!!
    ***nose bumpsss*** Siddhartha Henry xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  8. total lee awesum post maggie N felix…manee thanx for stoppin bye N sharin it with uz ~~~~~ we send best fishez for health N happee nezz in de new yeer two ewe az well ~~~~

    hope de dood in red waz veree good two everee one ☺☺☺♥♥♥

  9. I have a candle burning for Easy, too. So many candles!
    A very good guest post. So many kitties and people who need help. We volunteer at our local shelter to socialize the cats and kittens and I help support TinyKittens in any way I can.

  10. We do what we can to help out the kitties in need. Thank you for reminding us to remember them especially during the cold winter months.

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