Friendly Fill-Ins Week 451


Hi everyone. Time for the fill-ins. I came up with the first two sentences and my wonderful co-host, Lorianne of Four-Legged Furballs came up with the second two. If you didn’t do a post for them, you can also answer in the comment section. Thank you to all who participate. Don’t forget to add your link to the hop so everyone can visit you. The link is open until Wednesday night.

1. I’ll never buy ________________ from ___________________again.
2. It’s all fun and games until ____________________.
3. I once got lost _________.
4. _________ is the most normal thing about me.
My answers:
1. I’ll never buy shrimp from Walmart again. I am not a fan of seafood, but for our annual party I buy shrimp. I usually get it from the grocery store, but this year to save a couple dollars I got it from Walmart and no one seemed to eat it.
2. It’s all fun and games until it is time to get up off the floor. I get on the floor to play with the kids, but getting up is getting tougher with each kid.
3. I once got lost in New Jersey. When my mom and I went to Seascaucus, NJ to adopt Angel KaTwo we got very lost on the way home which made it take 6 hours to get back instead of 3 and a half.
4. My husband is the most normal thing about me. Despite all my quirks, I scored a great guy.
We are joining Feline Friday now hosted by Messymimi.  
My flashback is from December 2021. Angel Sammy was the original owner of the sweater Rusty was wearing on Wednesday. I miss my boy and him sleeping on my pillow all night.


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  1. That sweater has a legacy!
    Such a sweet image of Angel Sammy.

    1. I’ll never buy a Big Mac from MacDonald’s again…the one time I had one, I got food poisoning.
    2. It’s all fun and games until I have to shovel the snow…I could have made snow figures…think cat and dog, but no, I had to clean up snow yet again.
    3. I once got lost coming home from a women’s conference which was about 50 miles from here…but it took me about three hours…I thought I was smarter than the GPS, LOL!!! Never told hubby about that, teehee!.
    4. Not sure WHAT is the most normal thing about me. LOL!!!

  2. Chaplin: “I’ll eat the Wal-Mart shrimp! Just send it my way!”
    Charlee: “Angel Sammy looks nice and cozy in his sweater! Our Dada is sick so he is bundled up like that too inside of his TARDIS blanket!”

  3. guyz…tell mom knot two feel bad, de gurl canna find her way round towne and her haz lived heer 20 yeerz…N her shulda shared thoz shrimpz with ewe 💚🐟💙‼️😺

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