1. Dusty and Rosie (I love that name) are such COOL kitties. Very together! Wish we could be as cool as kitties right now…..

  2. Rosie, I sure hope you weren’t going to tip that trash can over. Or if you’re goofy like Precious and you chew on the plastic bag. She has a bad habit of doing that before I get out of bed in the morning.

  3. Fabulous Selfies, and Rosie’s could surely be me since I have this thing for rubbing on and even licking plastic bags. I’m always getting yelled at for that. Oh, and a belated Happy Anniversary! We apologize for being behind. We only do the bloggie thing once weekly, so I know we miss a lot.

  4. Dusty, we both got us a new fishy. Well, some of the new wore off MY fishy. But yours is ready to be chewed! Rosie, I like to tip over the small trash baskets in the house. Mom has to clean it up (just paper stuffs) and never minds doing it. For some reason, she smiles at my mischief.

  5. I know Rosie let us know that Dusty got in a snit over you not paying her enough attention but she loves you… little eyes caught in a slow blink… or maybe the flash got to her!!! Just call me sensitive.
    Sweet selfies♥ Rosie almost got caught in a mischievous situation… little stinker.

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